• Ippan Shadan Hōjin (ISH) will serve public purpose activities.
• ISH is capable of undertaking proper accounting and managing its projects;
• No member of ISH shall receive any salary or profit from it.
• The ISH officers are not expected to be from the same family and not be relatives. (The tax is higher if the officers are relatives.)
• If the proposed organization’s activities are within a prefecture, then, the committee established by prefectural government will review the proposed organization.
• A geographic limitation, does apply. If an organization regulated by one prefecture (or the equivalent) begins operations elsewhere, then regulatory authority over it will shift.
• ISH is allowed to engage in profit-generating activities to the extent they do not interfere with the primary non-profit objectives of the organization. If an ISH gains revenue from economic activities, the revenue must be devoted to the non-profit activities listed in. Government apply tax on the earned revenue.
• An ISH must not undertake activities for the purpose of promoting, supporting, or opposing a political principle or for the purpose of recommending, supporting, or opposing a candidate for a public office or a political party.
• ISH shall have no discrimination in political, economic or social relations because of race, creed, sex, social status or family origin.
• ISH must mention (1) Purpose, (2) Name, (3) Location of principal office, (4) The name and address of the founding officers, (5) The criteria of officers and (6) Advertising system.