1. Close the gate that stops the flow of beans into the grinder blades and only grind the beans per order, to help minimise wastage.
2. The coffee beans should be taken out of the hopper and placed in an airtight container and stored in a cool, dry place.
3. Clean fitter handles and filter with warm water
4. Flush the machine to clean it inside. Clean around the seal and the track that locks your portafilter into the group head with a group head brush to remove some of the coffee oils and any coffee grounds.
5. Change filter for bind filters and add cleaning powder. plush groups for 30 seconds or put machine into automatic cleaning mode.
6. Remove and clean the filter basket and wipe the inside of your portafilters clean many times a day. The frequency is up to you, but the more often the better.
7. After every coffee making session, you should back flush with water. Most machines come with some kind of cleaning disc or blind basket. Pop this into your normal handle and run the group until you build up some pressure and turn off to get that spurt out into the drain. Do this a few times. You should be able to see the water becoming clearer in that discharge.
8. When removing the shower screen for cleaning, take care that you don’t lose the shower screen screw and be sure to screw it back on finger-tight. The last thing you want to do here is double-thread the screw.
9. Using the small group head blush, clean the inside of the group, flush for 1 seconds regularly.
10. When you have finished washing the group handles, rinse them well, make sure that there are no chemicals left on them.