Intentionally, coordination and administration are taking a systematic approach to find out if you are doing how you want to do. It is the part of planning after you have decided what you want to do. Especially, some of the important methods of the organizational control, note that many of these methods are so common that we often do not think of them as having anything to do with coordination at all. No matter what one calls the following methods (coordination or control) they are critical to the success of any organization, regardless of the negative connotation of control, it must exist or there are organization that not all. In the most basic form, that is two or more people working together to reach a goal. Whether the organization is a publish servant or a dramatic changing and self-organizing, that must have some reason to have some purpose and some mission (implicit or explicit). The organization must have certain goals, reaching the goal means identifying some strategies. These strategies are agreed upon by members of that through some form of communication, formal or informal. Then members set about to act in accordance with what they agreed to do. They may change their minds as well. But they need to recognize and acknowledge that they're changing their minds.