My sister was sitting at the back of the car right next to me on my left. She was trying to tell me something but I couldn't really tell what
Then when we parked right outside the girl's house, my parents made me get out of the car to open the door for her. So I did what I was told. When I got out of the car I looked around to find nothing around but a really old house that seemed to be from the lates 1900's. When the girl got out of the car, she walked right up to her the house without knocking the door or even opening the door... She went right through...
That's when I started too freak out and screamed and got into the car really quickly telling my parents to drive off fast to our family's friend house.
During our way there, my parents asked me what on earth was wrong with me... Because it looked like I just saw a ghost. I told them I actually did and that it was that girl we just picked up. But they told me I was proberly making it up. To my surprise someone in the family DID actually believe me,
My sister. She told me that's what she was trying to tell me all along...
What did you think I saw?
Do you think I was just probably just going nuts or what?
I am really confused about this experience.