Family is viewed as a closely united group of living and dead relatives.
Ancestor worship is a religious practice based on the belief that deceased family members have a continued existence, that the spirits of deceased ancestors will look after the family, take an interest in the affairs of the world, and possess the ability to influence the fortune of the living.
Unity of the group is reinforced through ancestor veneration, offering of various kinds help to keep the ancestors happy in the spiritual world, who, in return, will bless the family.
Being an important aspect of the Chinese culture, the social or non-religious function of ancestor worship is to cultivate kinship values like filial piety, family loyalty, and continuity of the family lineage.
Ancestor worship is a family affair, held in homes and consists of offering joss stick, serving as communication and greetings to the deceased, prayers and offering items before memorial tablets.
Before the reunion dinner, the spirits of the ancestors are invited to join the celebration; fruits, food, sweets, flowers and tea will be offered to them. Ancestors will be served their favourite dishes as well as ‘dishes with a meaning’.