Philomena Ran knows all about stress. By her early 30s, she was a succ translation - Philomena Ran knows all about stress. By her early 30s, she was a succ Romanian how to say

Philomena Ran knows all about stres

Philomena Ran knows all about stress. By her early 30s, she was a successful , highly paid market research consultant who sometimes worked till10 p.m. “We had a lot of meetings and deadlines; we had to win projects,so I was writing proposals, making presentations, supervising staff, “ she says.
For a long while ,she loved her job and there were perks – lots of travel,for instance- but it was never what she had planned to do with her life. Like so many others, she just got involved in a career that had started accidentally.
Tan had studied psychology, and she was also good with statistics and computers. In the early 1980s, these were a rare and valuable combination of skills, so Tan made steady progress up the corporate ladder. But the turning point came the year she spent the entire week of her husband’s birthday in Brisbane running market research groups while he was home alone in Melbourne.
It made her examine her life and think about what she was really contributing to society. Tan planned her escape carefully. She saved money and returned to study. A decade later, it has all come together, and she is happy. The research she did for a doctorate psychology not only added to her qualifications as a psychologist and psychoterapist, but gave her the raw material for her first book , Leaving the Rat Race to Get a Life , a handbook for anyone seriously considering changing the pace of their lives. These days, Tan is in a private practice in her local community ,does yoga and chooses her own hours. She rarely works more than four days a week and , because she sees clients in the evening, she keeps her afternoons free to catch up with reading , meet with friends or research her next book. She is happy. “ When you are working up to 70 hours a week , you don’t have time for this ,’ she says.
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Results (Romanian) 1: [Copy]
Philomena Ran ştie totul despre stres. De 30 de ani ei timpurie, ea a fost un consultant de succes, extrem de plătit de cercetare de piaţă, care, uneori, a lucrat till10 PM "am avut o mulţime de reuniuni şi termenele limită; am avut de a câştiga proiecte, aşa că am fost scris propuneri, crearea de prezentări, personal de supraveghere, "spune ea.Pentru o lungă în timp ce, ea a iubit slujba ei şi s-au avantaje – o mulţime de călătorie, de exemplu - dar nu a fost niciodată ceea ce ea a avut planificate pentru a face cu viaţa ei. Ca mulţi alţii, doar ea implicată într-o carieră care a început accidental.Tan a studiat Psihologia, şi ea a fost, de asemenea, bine cu statistici şi computere. La începutul anilor 1980, acestea au fost o combinaţie rară şi valoroasă de abilităţi, Deci, Tan a făcut un progres până scara ierarhică. Dar punctul de cotitură a venit an ea a petrecut saptamana intreaga de ziua de nastere sotului ei din Brisbane execută cercetări de piaţă grupuri în timp ce el a fost singur acasă în Melbourne.Ea a făcut-o examineze viaţa ei şi cred despre ceea ce ea a fost într-adevăr contribuind la societate. Tan planificat sa scape cu atenţie. Ea a salvat de bani şi s-a întors pentru a studia. Un deceniu mai târziu, acesta are toate vin împreună, şi ea este fericit. Cercetare ea a făcut pentru un doctorat în psihologie nu numai adaugă la calificările sale, ca un psiholog si psihoterapeut, dar i-a dat materia primă pentru prima ei carte, lăsând şobolan rasă pentru a obţine o viaţă, un manual pentru cineva serios în considerare schimbarea ritmului de viaţa lor. Aceste zile, Tan este un cabinet în comunitatea ei locale, face yoga şi alege propriul ei ore. Ea lucrează rareori mai mult de patru zile pe săptămână şi, deoarece ea vede clientii seara, ea ţine ei după-amiaza liber pentru a prinde cu lectura, întâlni cu prietenii sau cartea ei viitoare de cercetare. Ea este fericit. "Atunci când sunteţi de lucru până la 70 de ore pe saptamana, nu aveţi timp pentru acest lucru," spune ea.
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Results (Romanian) 2:[Copy]
Philomena Ran knows all about stress. By her early 30s, she was a successful , highly paid market research consultant who sometimes worked till10 p.m. “We had a lot of meetings and deadlines; we had to win projects,so I was writing proposals, making presentations, supervising staff, “ she says.
For a long while ,she loved her job and there were perks – lots of travel,for instance- but it was never what she had planned to do with her life. Like so many others, she just got involved in a career that had started accidentally.
Tan had studied psychology, and she was also good with statistics and computers. In the early 1980s, these were a rare and valuable combination of skills, so Tan made steady progress up the corporate ladder. But the turning point came the year she spent the entire week of her husband’s birthday in Brisbane running market research groups while he was home alone in Melbourne.
It made her examine her life and think about what she was really contributing to society. Tan planned her escape carefully. She saved money and returned to study. A decade later, it has all come together, and she is happy. The research she did for a doctorate psychology not only added to her qualifications as a psychologist and psychoterapist, but gave her the raw material for her first book , Leaving the Rat Race to Get a Life , a handbook for anyone seriously considering changing the pace of their lives. These days, Tan is in a private practice in her local community ,does yoga and chooses her own hours. She rarely works more than four days a week and , because she sees clients in the evening, she keeps her afternoons free to catch up with reading , meet with friends or research her next book. She is happy. “ When you are working up to 70 hours a week , you don’t have time for this ,’ she says.
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Results (Romanian) 3:[Copy]
Philomena Fugi stie totul despre stres. De la inceputul ei 30s, ea a fost un succes , cercetare de piata foarte plătite titularului care uneori au lucrat pana10 p.m. - Am avut un lot de reuniuni si termene; am avut proiecte pentru a câştiga,deci AM fost scris propuneri, prezentări, supravegherea personalului, " spune ea.
pentru o vreme ,isi iubea meseria si erau mici sinecuri - loturi de deplasare,De exemplu- dar n-a fost niciodata ce era planificat sa fac cu ea viata. Ca atitia altii, ea s-a implicat într-o carieră care a inceput accidental.
Tan au studiat psihologie, şi ea era, de asemenea, bună cu statistici şi calculatoare. La inceputul anilor 1980, acestea au fost o rara si valoroasa combinatie de aptitudini, astfel încât Tan face progresul continuu până la scara corporativă.Dar punctul de rotire a venit an a cheltuit întreaga săptămână de sotul ei la petrecerea de aniversare in Brisbane pornit cercetare de piata grupuri în timp ce era singur acasă în Melbourne.
o facu sa examineze vietii ei si cred ca despre ce era cu adevarat contributia la viata societatii. Tan planificate sa fuga cu grijă. Ea salvate bani si se intoarse la studiu. UN deceniu mai târziu, are toate vin împreună, şi ea este fericita.De cercetare a făcut pentru un doctorat psihologie nu numai adauga la calificarea ei ca un psiholog şi psychoterapist, dar ei au dat de materii prime pentru prima ei carte , lasand sobolan Cursa pentru a obţine o viata , un manual pentru oricine serios dacă schimbarea ritmului de viata lor. Aceste zile, bronzul este în ei o practica privata in comunitatea locala ,nu yoga şi alege propriul ei ore.Ea rar funcţionează mai mult de patru zile pe săptămână şi , deoarece ea vede clienti din seara, ea păstrează ei dupa-amieze libere să prindă cu citirea , îndeplinesc cu prietenii sau de cercetare ei cartea următoare. Ea este fericita. " Atunci când lucraţi până la 70 ore pe săptămână, nu aveţi timp pentru aceasta ," spune ea.
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