„We defend in this devil's lair, all devils that from now on, coming out kill completely, does not let off, soon, will then have formidable Demon King to clash from inside.”
Jiang Chen said with a smile.
Afterward, three people by corner certainly devil's lair defending solid, Doesn't said that is the build huge devil, even if a fly comes out from inside, cannot escape their violent treacheries.
Humming sound
Quick, rocking that the vortex outside devil's lair presents again, the flash, several devils drilled from the devil's lair merely, but this batch of devils cultivation to obviously be poor, is just Battle Spirit Realm.
Jiang Chen without demur, the yawn spouts flame, forms the sea of fire instantaneously, covers these devils completely, the sound of pitiful yell rises from all directions, suddenly, all devil burnt down cleanness, the dregs remaining, Demon Spirit together have not burnt down, Jiang Chen regarding these Battle Spirit Realm Demon Spirit, does not care.
„Xiao Chen, what flame you are, so to be how fierce? Probably is the difficult adversaries of these devils is specially same.”
Monk cannot bear ask, he had discovered a moment ago the Jiang Chen this terror flame, but had not asked.
„This is I cross the disaster the time Real Thundering Fire that absorbs, was in the world to just to positive existence, was the difficult adversary of this cloudy evil thing, my flame, has the enormous restraint function to them, before me, these devil 50% cultivation to display continually.”
Jiang Chen opens the mouth saying that Dragon Transformation Art is his secret, he does not want to say that therefore has concealed the fire of Real Dragon, but he crosses the matter actually many people of disaster to know, therefore Real Thundering Fire does not need to conceal.
„No wonder, your boy is really a fellow of going against heaven's will, not only crosses the disaster not dead, but can also absorb Real Thundering Fire, the old buddhist monk envies the envy.”
Monk curls the lip to say.
„Your Sir, Buddhist four elements are merely illusions, you is a parallel import.”
Jiang Chen stared Monk one.
„Looked quickly that probably had everybody to appear.”
Monk said suddenly that sees only in vortex that wriggles unceasingly, again runs out of valiant existence, this time, solely can judge from the aura, what coming out is an everybody of 7-Tier Demon King rank, such Demon Spirit, is valuable.
„Gets rid together.”
Jiang Chen gives a loud shout, one that Tiansheng Sword brushes has cut, in the meantime, Monk takes down the buddha beads of nape of the neck place, pounds forward.
7-Tier Demon King of that tragedy, sent out sad and shrill miserable to shout merely, saw continually the opportunity of own enemy did not have, directly was killed, huge stature hitting the pulp, Demon Spirit was taken.
„Did I say you as for?”
Tan Lang cannot bear turned the white of the eyes, before this 7-Tier Demon King did not have, that two tyrannical that meets, Jiang Chen and Monk any will get rid to be able relaxed handling, but these two fellows must jointly get rid, moreover must display own King's Weapon, this will not give others simply the means of livelihood.
„Such comparison satisfies a craving.”
Monk smiles.
The following several hours, three people defend outside this devil's lair, devil that so long as presents from inside, any rank, was withered completely, does not remain, cannot run away from this mountain valley to Demon Hideaway first.
The harvest of Jiang Chen is really huge, until now, his hand Demon Spirit of Demon King rank had 150, 7-Tier Demon King Demon Spirit four, this wealth, if changes into Heaven Yuan Pill, does not know that can receive in exchange for many.