Thomas Moran creates a work of art directly influenced by nature. His Florida Scene predominately utilizes organic shapes. The southern landscape has irregular, often curving or rounded forms as seen in the vegetation, ocean, and sky. The few trees seen bear long, curving branches. Beneath the trees lie numerous green, round shrubs and wild flowers The untamed aquatic weeds surrounding the seemingly shallow, natural pond in the right appear to grow in every direction. The irregular, almost threatening appearing, bayonet shaped leaves of the palm fronds flutter in the breeze coming from the ocean. Above the tidal waves of the ocean is the clear sky. The clouds are ambiguous, constantly morphing into new shapes. Moran's piece is an example of the technique, atmospheric perspective, a nonlinear means for indicating an illusion of depth. He subtlety changes color, value, and detail to provide a real sense of being present in the tropical climate of the Sunshine State Tones of pale yellow unite the sandy beach and sky evoking a humid, hazy atmosphere Florida is notorious for. The dominant subject, or figure of the composition is the curving palm tree in the center, jutting from the side of a sandy hill towards the direction of the ocean. In the background, lies the ocean. a large ship. and passengers descending from the boat, these figures diminish in size giving a feeling of increased distance between them and the viewer. These faraway objects are seen beyond an increased quantity of air, moisture and sandy wind causing them to appear much bluer and less distinct then the foreground eather-worn palm tree. The ship and her passengers lack detail in comparison to the palm tree. The palm tree is complete with strokes defining each individual leave of the palm fronds and intricate rings decorating the bark of the trunk. The ship lacks such adornment each plank of wood making up the boat cannot be distinguished and the people in the picture do not have faces or fingers. The colors used in Moran's art are mostly comprised of cool colors, green vegetation and blue ocean and sky. The color scheme is analogous a