Results (
Thai) 1:
Sgaw Karen, Pwo Karen, Shan and Muslimyouths from Mae Sam Laeb Village in Sob MoeiDistrict of Tak Province. 3) A total of 100 members of theNative Tribes of Thailand Network. 4) A total of 100 village and subdistrictchiefs. 5) A total of 20 Sgaw Karens fromMae Chaem District of Chiang Mai Province.2.2 Population The population consists of a total of 21Sgaw Karen tribesmen knowledgeable about theidentity of the Karens of the Salween River Basin,factors causing changes to the identity of theKaren tribe, and the application of Karen’sidentity-establishing process in various dimensionsto create a symbol to be used in futuristic creativeeconomy design and to provide a signpost thathelps new-generation Karens to sustain theiridentity. These subjects are selected by means ofpurposive selection from 7 villages in 7subdistricts of Mae Sa Riang District of Mae HongSon Province.2.3 Sample Group (2) The second sample group consists ofa total of 10 experts in the identity of the Karensof the Salween River Basin, factors causingchanges to the identity of the Karen tribe, and theapplication of Karen’s identity-establishing processin various dimensions to create a symbol to beused in futuristic creative economy designing andto provide a signpost that helps new-generationKarens to sustain their identity. These subjects asabove by means of purposive selection.
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