CN- Cigar Company (CNC) opened in 2010 providing the highest quality Nicaraguan cigars in the industry offering a range of premium boxed cigars including. CNC’s goal is to be a leader in the cigar industry. Each CNC cigar is hand-rolled in the highest quality, 100% Nicaraguan tobacco. CNC is committed to meeting the needs of its customers by providing the highest quality product as well as unmatched customer service to foster a long-lasting relationship. CNC’s target market is comprised of high-end wholesalers and retailers whose target audience are of upwardly-mobile males between the ages of 30 to 70; and professionals with medium to high disposable income.
Over the next 3 years, the CNC to capture 5-8% of the premium market boxed cigars in the United States with estimated revenues for years one through three at $3M, $8M, and $15M respectively. CNC plans on accomplishing its goals by consistently delivering premium quality product to our customers; proving excellent customer service experience; ensuring accessibility of product and maintaining constant communication with our customers.