To know the possibility of the world around you, the Luciferian should translation - To know the possibility of the world around you, the Luciferian should Portuguese how to say

To know the possibility of the worl

To know the possibility of the world around you, the Luciferian should not be so fast to escape it. All you need is found unseen yet present around you. It was written in the bible that “Satan is the God of this World” and that his power is all around. While anthropomorphically, this theistic concept may not be useful; there is an element of usefulness in the statement.
Satan as defined foremost in this book is the Spirit of the Independent Mind, the God which is found within first and outside of the self second. All knowledge of Satan is made through initiation into the Luciferian Current, then utilizing those tools to transform the self into a vessel of Ahriman. This grimoire is indeed one of ‘encircling’ power, sorcery and the process of transformation inside and then outside in the world around us. While you breathe in this world, make it your own; change it according to your will. How can one do this? The answer is found by the use of the imagination, the application of reason with sorcery and the leveraging of Ahrimanic power in the world around us. Language (Speech), the Evil Eye (Sight) and careful planning will allow you to manifest your will as Satan in this earth. If you apply the Four Hells in this grimoire you will have a tool to manifest what I write here, however that is up to you. "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not does notstand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not" -John 8:44-45 The scriptures of the catacomb dwelling, wine drinking and bread offering “Christians” wrote down the passage from Jesus as he spoke to others, seeking to convert them from the laws of the earth. How many have read these words to ignore the very meaning within them! How often do people look at this “Christian” phrase and simply ignore it, yet still there is something of intelligence here, even if devoid of initiatory practice. How the subconscious toys with us!! If one considers the first line of the paragraph, “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.” One may relate this to the legend Cain as the son of Samael, who is Satan. Cain was said to have spawned the bloodline of those against Adam, the tribe of which he first came. With this idea aside, the Devil is our instinct and power of both the angelic (pre-fall Lucifer) and demonic (after-fall Satan or Samael), our potential revealed. Thus, Ahriman as you will later know his name as is both our antagonist and savior by understanding instinct, the possibility of our own being and the future we can create. We must do this work, by doing the work of initiation we are creating “Ahriman” in this world. ”He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not does notstand in the truth, because there is no truth in him.” Mankind is a predator, the most intelligent and potentially dangerous one. The predator is never the sleepwalking mass-herd member. The predator is not the one who has 1,001 excuses why he or she cannot be to work on time. The predator is not the one who accepts he or she has a weakness and refuses to address it simply because it is too hard to do. If a Luciferian was in a defense situation, where they would either be killed or would kill the attacker, the Luciferian would gladly strike down the attacker by any means available. The Luciferian would see this as devouring the soul of your enemy and thus a power gain. If you use sorcery to curse and destroy your enemy, having the personal knowledge (i.e. experience of casting the curse, having knowledge that the target perished soon after) of this act is religious ecstasy for the Ahrimanist/Luciferian. This is why one who walks this path has a stronger faith than almost any priest of the Nazarene religion. Thus, the Luciferian does not condone random or malicious murder, it obeys the laws of society. The Luciferian does not stand in truth means simply that nothing is true, everything is subject to change and may be nudged to the Will of the Adept by the use of the Four Hells as described in this book.
Ahriman is indeed the Father of Lies, he is the anthroporphic model of our initiation, our goal and then beyond. Know that truth is nothing and the Lie is everything – change the world.
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Results (Portuguese) 1: [Copy]
Para saber a possibilidade do mundo ao seu redor, o luciferiano não deve ser tão rápido para escapar dele. Tudo que você precisa é encontrado invisível ainda presentes ao seu redor. Foi escrito na Bíblia que "Satanás é o Deus deste mundo" e que seu poder está em toda parte. Enquanto anthropomorphically, este conceito teísta pode não ser útil; Há um elemento de utilidade na instrução.Satan as defined foremost in this book is the Spirit of the Independent Mind, the God which is found within first and outside of the self second. All knowledge of Satan is made through initiation into the Luciferian Current, then utilizing those tools to transform the self into a vessel of Ahriman. This grimoire is indeed one of ‘encircling’ power, sorcery and the process of transformation inside and then outside in the world around us. While you breathe in this world, make it your own; change it according to your will. How can one do this? The answer is found by the use of the imagination, the application of reason with sorcery and the leveraging of Ahrimanic power in the world around us. Language (Speech), the Evil Eye (Sight) and careful planning will allow you to manifest your will as Satan in this earth. If you apply the Four Hells in this grimoire you will have a tool to manifest what I write here, however that is up to you. "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not does notstand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not" -John 8:44-45 The scriptures of the catacomb dwelling, wine drinking and bread offering “Christians” wrote down the passage from Jesus as he spoke to others, seeking to convert them from the laws of the earth. How many have read these words to ignore the very meaning within them! How often do people look at this “Christian” phrase and simply ignore it, yet still there is something of intelligence here, even if devoid of initiatory practice. How the subconscious toys with us!! If one considers the first line of the paragraph, “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.” One may relate this to the legend Cain as the son of Samael, who is Satan. Cain was said to have spawned the bloodline of those against Adam, the tribe of which he first came. With this idea aside, the Devil is our instinct and power of both the angelic (pre-fall Lucifer) and demonic (after-fall Satan or Samael), our potential revealed. Thus, Ahriman as you will later know his name as is both our antagonist and savior by understanding instinct, the possibility of our own being and the future we can create. We must do this work, by doing the work of initiation we are creating “Ahriman” in this world. ”He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not does notstand in the truth, because there is no truth in him.” Mankind is a predator, the most intelligent and potentially dangerous one. The predator is never the sleepwalking mass-herd member. The predator is not the one who has 1,001 excuses why he or she cannot be to work on time. The predator is not the one who accepts he or she has a weakness and refuses to address it simply because it is too hard to do. If a Luciferian was in a defense situation, where they would either be killed or would kill the attacker, the Luciferian would gladly strike down the attacker by any means available. The Luciferian would see this as devouring the soul of your enemy and thus a power gain. If you use sorcery to curse and destroy your enemy, having the personal knowledge (i.e. experience of casting the curse, having knowledge that the target perished soon after) of this act is religious ecstasy for the Ahrimanist/Luciferian. This is why one who walks this path has a stronger faith than almost any priest of the Nazarene religion. Thus, the Luciferian does not condone random or malicious murder, it obeys the laws of society. The Luciferian does not stand in truth means simply that nothing is true, everything is subject to change and may be nudged to the Will of the Adept by the use of the Four Hells as described in this book.Ahriman is indeed the Father of Lies, he is the anthroporphic model of our initiation, our goal and then beyond. Know that truth is nothing and the Lie is everything – change the world.
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Results (Portuguese) 2:[Copy]
Para saber a possibilidade de o mundo ao seu redor, o Luciferino não deve ser tão rápido para escapar dele. Tudo que você precisa é encontrado ainda invisível presente em torno de você. Ele foi escrito na Bíblia que â € œSatan é o deus deste mundo € e que seu poder está em toda parte. Enquanto anthropomorphically, este conceito teísta pode não ser útil; há um elemento de utilidade no comunicado.
Satanás, tal como definido acima de tudo neste livro é o Espírito do espírito independente, o Deus que é encontrado dentro de primeira e de fora da auto segundo. Todo o conhecimento de Satanás é feita através de iniciação na atual Luciferiana, em seguida, utilizando essas ferramentas para transformar o auto em um vaso de Ahriman. Este grimoire é de fato um dos â € ~encirclingâ € ™ poder, feitiçaria e ao processo de transformação dentro e depois fora do mundo que nos rodeia. Enquanto você respira neste mundo, torná-lo seu próprio; mudá-lo de acordo com sua vontade. Como se pode fazer isso? A resposta é encontrada pelo uso da imaginação, a aplicação da razão com a feitiçaria e a alavancagem de poder Arimânico no mundo ao nosso redor. Language (Speech), o Olho do Mal (vista) e um planejamento cuidadoso irá permitir que você a manifestar a sua vontade como Satanás nesta terra. Se você aplicar as Quatro Hells neste grimoire você terá uma ferramenta para manifestar o que eu escrevo aqui, no entanto, que é até você. "Vós tendes por pai ao diabo, e quereis satisfazer os desejos de vosso pai vai fazer. Ele foi homicida desde o princípio, e não se firmou faz notstand na verdade, porque não há verdade nele. Quando ele profere mentira, ele fala de seu próprio, porque é mentiroso, e pai da E porque eu vos digo a verdade, não me credes "-João 8: 44-45. As escrituras da habitação catacumba, beber vinho e oferta de pão â € œChristiansâ € anotou a passagem de Jesus enquanto ele falava com os outros, procurando convertê-los a partir das leis da terra. Quantos li estas palavras a ignorar o próprio sentido dentro deles! Quantas vezes as pessoas olham para este â € œChristianâ € frase e simplesmente ignorá-lo, mas ainda há algo de inteligência aqui, mesmo desprovido de prática iniciática. Como os brinquedos subconscientes com a gente !! Se se considera a primeira linha do parágrafo, â € œYe são de seu pai ao diabo, e quereis satisfazer os desejos de vosso pai vos do.â € Pode-se relacionar isto com a lenda Cain como o filho de Samael, que é Satanás. Cain foi dito ter gerou a linhagem daqueles contra Adam, a tribo da qual ele veio pela primeira vez. Com essa idéia de lado, o Diabo é o nosso instinto e poder tanto do angelical (Lucifer pré-queda) e demoníaca (pós-queda Satanás ou Samael), o nosso potencial revelado. Assim, Ahriman como você vai saber mais tarde seu nome como é tanto nosso antagonista e salvador por entender instinto, a possibilidade de nosso próprio ser e para o futuro, podemos criar. Temos de fazer este trabalho, fazendo o trabalho de iniciação estamos criando â € œAhrimanâ € neste mundo. â € Ele foi homicida desde o princípio, e não se firmou faz notstand na verdade, porque não há verdade him.â € Humanidade é um predador, o mais inteligente e potencialmente perigoso. O predador nunca é o membro massa rebanho sonambulismo. O predador não é o único que tem 1.001 desculpas porque ele ou ela não pode estar a trabalhar a tempo. O predador não é o único que ele aceita ou ela tem uma fraqueza e se recusa a enfrentá-lo simplesmente porque é muito difícil de fazer. Se um Luciferino estava em uma situação de defesa, onde eles iriam ou ser morto ou mataria o atacante, o Luciferiana de bom grado derrubar o atacante por quaisquer meios disponíveis. O Luciferino veria isso como devorar a alma de seu inimigo e, portanto, um ganho de potência. Se você usar feitiçaria para amaldiçoar e destruir o inimigo, tendo o conhecimento pessoal (ou seja, a experiência de lançar a maldição, tendo conhecimento de que o alvo morreu logo depois) deste ato é êxtase religioso para o Ahrimanist / Luciferiana. É por isso que quem anda este caminho tem uma fé mais forte do que quase qualquer sacerdote da religião Nazareno. Assim, o Luciferino não tolera assassinato aleatório ou malicioso, ele obedece às leis da sociedade. O Luciferino não se firmou na verdade significa simplesmente que nada é verdadeiro, tudo está sujeito a modificações e pode ser cutucou à Vontade do Adepto pelo uso dos Quatro Hells conforme descrito neste livro.
Ahriman é de fato o pai da mentira, ele é o modelo anthroporphic de nossa iniciação, nosso objetivo e, em seguida, mais além. Saber que a verdade não é nada e é tudo o Lie â € "mudar o mundo.
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