Results (
Vietnamese) 1:
Table 1Methods available for removing or destroying cyanide and process mechanisms involved.Cyanide removing/destroying method Process mechanismsNatural Attenuation/Degradation (Collecting and Holding In Ponds) Volatilization Biodegradation Oxidation (by UV, microorganisms)Chemical Addition Under Controlled Conditions Oxidation ProcessesSO2–Air Oxidation OxidationAlkaline Chlorination Conversion to cyanate– Chlorine gas Hydrolysis– Hypochlorites– Electrolytic (in situ) generationOzonation OxidationComplexationSunlight (UV) w/o catalyst HydrolyisHydrogen Peroxide Oxidation Precipitation Iron Sulphide Processes Thermal treatment under high pressure Fe/Cu PrecipitationBiological Oxidation In reactors and under controlled conditions (e.g., Home stake RBC process) Degradation (to CO2 and NH3) Passive systems (Wetlands and in-pit) Oxidation to NO3; then reduction to N2) Complexation, adsorption/uptake, precipitation, etc.Conversion to Less Toxic FormsThiocyanide conversion ComplexationFerrocyanide conversionCyanide Recovery by AcidificationSART, AVR, Cyanisorb Volatilization & Condensation Re-neutralizationAbsorption ProcessesIon Exchange (also leads to CN recovery) ComplexationActivated CarbonIon FlotationElectrolytic ProcessesCyanide regeneration DecompositionCyanide destruction
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