There are cases of"near-death-like"experiences that mimic those which occur during the trauma of death itself.
One of those is the story of Julian A. Milkes. Milles is a retired teacher, and was returning one day from buying
concert tickets in Times Square. Here is what he told to the blogger
"My mother and I were driving out to the lake one afternoon. My dad was to folfow later when he finished work.
We were having company for dinner, and, as we rode along, my mother spotted some wild ff owers at the side of
the road. She asked if I wouldn't stop the car and pick them as they would look nice on the dinner table. I pulled
over to the right side of the road (it was not a major highway), parked the car, and went down a smail incline to
get off the road to pick the flowers. While I was picking the flowers, a car came whizzing by and suddenly headed
straight for me.
"As ! looked up and saw what I presumed would be an inevitable death, I separated from my body and viewed
what was happening from another perspective. My whole life flashed in front of me, from that moment backwards
to segments of my life. The review was not like a judgment. It was passive, more like an interesting novelty.
"I can't telt you how many times I think of that near-death experience. Even as I sit here and write my story for
you, it seems as though it happened only yesterday."
Milke suffered no injury. The speeding car veered off just as suddenly as it had appeared, and sped away. I have
observed that the terror of an ultimate end, the kind of terror that sees no hope, no other alternative except death
itself, is sometimes enough to shift people into a near-death mode. Illness, injury, or body trauma is not
You have read about a"near death like"experience of a person as described by a blogger.
This practice concerns the narrative of real life experience : narrating anecdotes. This kind of narrative can be
used for any kind of informal report of events.
Narrate this interesting piece of real life experience of a person, and write a letter to your friend
d====» ·
a) tense and time
b) sequencing links
c) time-relation links
d) structural links
e) time reference