Entry Visas
Visitors from countries which require entry visas can sometimes find the application process difficult and expensive, particularly in comparison with visas for the Schengen countries. Their visas are easier to obtain – although they will introduce proper biometric applications in 2011 so much of this difference will disappear – and, although they cost roughly the same, entitle travelers to visit 25 countries while a UK visa only covers one. Given the state of the country’s finances it will be extremely difficult to cut UK visa costs to become significantly cheaper than Schengen19 – the current fee is significantly below the processing cost of a visitor visa already – so we must add value by making the process quicker, simpler and more convenient instead.
Of course, any changes must not compromise national security by diluting the checks which our visa system needs to perform. But nonetheless the process can become more customer-focused and convenient at the same time. As an example of the kinds of problem we’re currently creating for potential visitors, in some larger developing countries, visitors have to travel considerable distances to reach a visa centre. The round trip might clock up more miles than they will travel when they’re in Britain itself and inevitably adds significantly to the cost of their visit. Equally, application forms aren’t always available in local languages (although guidance notes usually are), aren’t always available online and could possibly be designed more simply too. We will improve visa availability without compromising national security by:
Delivering on line application facilities as fast as possible. Currentlyaround35%of applications are made online, and we aim to reach more than 90% by the end of 2012.
• Looking at a shorter,simpler application form for lower risk applicants.
• Making guidance available in local langauges wherever possible, and in the future to
examine the case to do the same for application forms.
• Share visa centers with trusted allies, to increase their numbers so they’re closer together, making them easier and less expensive to reach.