Having like-minded business owners to talk to also gives you the opportunity to get advice from them on all sorts of things related to your business or even your personal life and obtaining that important work-life balance.
Networking is a great way to tap into advice and expertise that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to get hold of. Just make sure you are getting solid advice from the right person – someone that actually knows about what you need to know and is not just giving you their opinion on something that they have no or very little experience in.
My boyfriend is 20 years old and just got a job with Amway. I had heard some sketchy things about it and trying to be a good girl friend, did my own research on the company before giving him advice on his Job. From my research I gathered that it has been under fire for a lot of stuff but eventually it came out that it is a legit company and not a pyramid scam. Most people just don't realize that this is a job where you get paid by how much you sell, not how many hours you work - which is why some people are calling it a scam. I know they have some decent products so I brought home a catalog for my parents to look at this weekend. My parents and my boyfriend are really close but when I showed my dad the catalog he completely flipped out and said all these terrible things about Amway. I'm kind of worried for my boyfriend. Just wondering if anyone has worked for/ been a part of Amway and what their take on the company is? Thank you!