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วรุฒคุง เลิศศราวุธ แห่งอาณาจักรไรซ์ที่สาม
Jimmy Sun
From the data collected we can see that many people agree to reduce the number of cars (63% opposes to 38%). One of the reasons is the negative impact of cars on the environment. We know that petrol is the main fuel for car and when car is operated, it releases carbon dioxide as a waste product. Carbon dioxide is the main chemical responsible for Global Warming and can affect greatly to the environment. Some of the negative impacts are air pollution, climate change, and rise of sea water. Other reason for people to say no to cars is because traffic congestion. Nowadays, in peak hour people have to wait in the traffic for many hours. People waiting in the traffic may get angry, stress, and anxious. As a result, one of the solutions for the negative impact of cars on the environment is for the government to invest more on public transports such as train, bus, and light rail while lower the transport fare at the same time. The government can also increase the price of the petrol to make people use fewer cars and take public transports as their alternative ways of transportation.
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