In the name of Allah the most Merciful, the most Gracious
Reply to the results of Note No. (23)
His Highness the chairman of Sitaf Saudia Co Ltd “May Allah Almighty keep him”
With reference to the reply of Director of human resources (HR), Mr./ Ahmed Al-Shamali on the note No. (23) about setting up the necessary link with the Saudi Council of engineers.
Accordingly; I would like to notify Your Highness in brief that his own reply is full of fallacy as follows:
The direct registration procedures within the Authority didn’t handle upon the arrival of the staff but after the issuance of technicians’ residence permits as well as after issuing an apology notice by resident program “Muqeem” for issuing engineers’ residence permits - this is the main topic .
It is not obvious for the persons in charge the visa number whether it were for the office of Arar, as well as the subscription service of (Wasel) did not renew it was just set –up that was on purpose to the arrival of the concerned – whom I had not reported about their arrival in order to follow-up in order to benefit as long as possible to subscription .
That's what I liked to explain to Your Highness in brief!
“May Allah Almighty keep you ever!”
The applicant who has already obtained the privilege of serving your Highness
Mr. / Jamal Al-Mahyoub
Released in: 23/07/2015G