MR works diligently to enhance and strengthen the oversight capacity and functions of the United Nations and other oversight bodies within the UN system. MR coordinates the U.S. position on the United Nation’s multi-billion dollar budgets for the organization’s operations including special political missions and war crimes tribunals as well as peacekeeping operations. MR seeks to ensure United Nations programs and activities are efficient, effective and properly managed. In addition, MR, in cooperation with our Economic and Social Affairs Section, provides oversight of the voluntarily-funded UN Funds and Programs, including the UNDP, UNICEF, and UNFPA. The U.S. Mission’s Legal Section provides counsel and service on all matters of an international legal character arising in the course of United States participation in the United Nations. Members of the Legal Section represent the United States in the UN Legal Committee of the General Assembly, the Security Council and its subsidiary bodies, and other UN bodies. The U.S. Mission’s Military Staff Committee (MSC) holds two major responsibilities for the U.S. Delegation to the United Nations.