No one has thought that at this time will jump small Monk that a stern voice and appearance gets up, all people fell gaze on the body of tyrant, did the Zuo Family person also to have Kong Yan et al. including Zuo Ling Er, particularly that foot also stepped on Master Ran Feng statue head 9-Tier Battle King.
Kong all person attention actually in Zuo Family these people, the body of Yuan Ming Head Monk, from the start have not placed in other Buddhist priests the eye, in their opinion, these Buddhist priests only then stretches out the neck the share that treats unites, now some people must destroy the statue of Master Ran Feng, angriest should be Yuan Ming Head Monk and Zuo Family person is right, has not actually thought that small Monk unexpectedly some so big responses, more astonishing is actually cultivation of this small Monk, jumps the imposing manner that shoots to come out at will, has achieved 9-Tier Battle King unexpectedly.
„Good, has not thought that this small temple, hid so the talent unexpectedly, young has been achieving 9-Tier Battle King, it seems like your Zuo Family inside story was really not weak, what a pity, all people were dying today, Yuan Yang City was doomed is the world of Kong.”
Saying that Kong Yan sneers.
Monk has not gone to look at Kong Yan one, he fills stares is stepping on that bastard who the anger gaze does wink on his master statue, he pledged that must let this person of dying like a dog.
„Ha Ha, small Monk, the trivial statue, so is why excited, my casual foot, can stepping on breaks to pieces the head of this head picture.”
9-Tier Battle King of Kong laughs, the under foot starts to rub gently unexpectedly, making the statue make ka the sound, has the danger of disruption anytime.
Sees that Jiang Chen and Big Yellow Dog are helpless shaking the head, reveals one to pity to that 9-Tier Battle King, this fellow ended, space underground also nobody can save him again.
„Courts death.”
Monk has gotten angry, unprecedented anger, his whole person changes into the golden light to flush away together forward, suddenly then arrived at that 9-Tier Battle King near, an unreal Buddha big hand makes loudly, that 9-Tier Battle King complexion drastic change, has not thought of the speed unexpectedly such rapidness of opposite party, moreover striking power such verve, he thought that fully, this palm sufficiently will crank up the meat patty.
Ka scratches!
A Monk palm of the hand has not clapped him, the unreal big hand has pressed firmly between the fingers the neck of that 9-Tier Battle King directly, has entrained from the statue it, Monk just likes uncultivated land Gu Manshou of going crazy, both hands cover that person of two shoulders stubbornly.
„Dares to blaspheme my master, death.”
Monk both hands have the extremely heavy great strength, only listens to scoff at one, all people then saw incomparably bloody one, sees only that 9-Tier Battle King under the attack of Monk, absolutely does not have the strength of least bit resistance, the body of whole person to tear in half by Monk, the blood wells up crazily, the five main internal organs (entrails) scattered above Main Hall.
Hissing ~
All people hold breath all cold air, Yuan Ming and Yuan Tong two people also stare the big eye, this small Monk was too aggressive, slaughters absolutely not to have the appearance of Buddhism eminent monk, actually also wants Savage compared with the devil, tears in half the human, this killing, making people frightened.
Yuan Ming cannot believe that yesterday small Monk of that obtaining enlightenment eminent monk appearance, once gets rid, unexpectedly such Savage is overbearing, but he and Yuan Tong understood why Monk so loses one's temper, what because under that human foot steps on is Master Ran Feng, is his respecting authority, this is not courts death is anything.
But what they have not thought was the Monk strength is unexpectedly tyrannical to this degree, he was 9-Tier Battle King, the opposite party is also 9-Tier Battle King, similarly was 9-Tier Battle King, this disparity carved is not general big.
The Zuo Family person panic-stricken opening mouth, they are also familiar with all of Ran Feng temple, never knows when here small Monk that comes one so to go against heaven's will, looks method that this gets rid, even if Zuo Family first talent Zuo Ling Er gets rid, not necessarily was the small Monk match.