Hence, 31 August is a National Public Holiday to commemorate and celebrate the freedom and independence gained.
This day is also known as Hari Merdeka in the Malay language and that is why the celebration of Independence Day is incomplete without the seven shouts of “Merdeka!”. This gesture was initiated by the First Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman back in 1957 at Dataran Merdeka.
Although it is only a one day public holiday, the celebration builds up from a month before right up to Malaysia Day which is on the 16th of September.
During this whole month of August, also known as the Merdeka month, you will see most Malaysians express their patriotism and love towards their culturally unique country by raising the Malaysian flag on their vehicles, balcony of their homes and even along the streets! It is also during this time that government buildings all over Kuala Lumpur and most shopping malls are hoisted with the Malaysian flag, Jalur Gemilang.