1. Loss and Damage - Developing countries want a mechanism for compensation from future damages from climate change. Developed countries do not want to set up a legal framework.
2. Adaptation Financing, including the Global Climate Fund - All countries agreed in 2009 to set up the Global Climate Fund with US$100 billion by 2020. Developed countries now say that the global recession does not allow them to contribute this amount (while still giving subsidies to fossil fuels).
3. Equity - Under the Kyoto protocol, developed countries (listed in Annex A of the treaty) had to meet specific targets of carbon dioxide reduction, but developing countries countries (including China, the #1 emitter of greenhouse gases) had no targets. Many developed countries saying developing countries must also have mandatory targets. However, some developing countries say they have a right to develop and therefore should continue with no targets.
4. Improvement in Agricultural Practices - Initiatives in making agriculture so it produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions.
5. Transparency and Accountability - Many believe that is important to have transparency in countries progress toward the goal of reducing carbon emissions. But choices have to be made about what and how to measure and report countries emissions.
6. Periodic Review - Should there be a regular review period, if so how long, and what should be included? Also, specific processes on mitigation, adaptation, and finance must be chosen.
position paper