I provide 7-day return policy for products sold. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with your purchases, full refund of the purchase (excluding the shipping expenses) can be applicable under the following circumstances:
ALL items must be intact and undamaged (except for defects in manufacturing).
Items must be in good conditions with all original accessories, manuals, and packing materials. Any missing parts or damaged items will result in rejection on the return.
All shipping cost thus generated is paid by the buyer.
Payment will be refunded as original currency only. We will not take responsibility for any loss due to exchange rate difference in the refund process.
Refunds will NOT include ANY shipping and handling fees. Any additional expenses (such as amazon listing fees) will also be deducted from the refund.
In the case of return, please be sure to include ALL the original contents (including gift, packages and manuals). Any missing contents may result in rejection of the refund. Please also make sure that the return package is securely packed, and apply waterproof packing instruments wherever necessary.