Results (
Thai) 1:
2.3. Statistical analysesThe 2003 and 2007 mortality rates by age group were initiallycompared by the Friedman test for multiple subpopulations. TheWilcoxon signed ranks test was used to compare the mortality oftwo related subpopulations.The positivity of the blood culture examinations among testedspecimens from patients with suspected sepsis was estimated bymeta-analysis to combine eligible studies. Likewise, the proportionsof Gram (+) bacteria, Gram () bacteria, and fungus among allidentified microorganisms from positive blood culture wereestimated by meta-analysis using the same approach. Allmeta-analyses were performed using a random effect model.Subgroup analysis was performed among different regions ofChina, as well as among different time periods. Additionalsubgroup analysis was performed among neonatal or pediatricpatients. The relative ratios (RRs) and 95% confidence intervals(CIs) of the synthesized positivity of blood cultures or proportionof microorganisms between different subgroups were calculatedbased on the estimated percentage and the sample size of eachsubgroup.Nonparametric tests were conducted with SPSS 13.0 software(Chicago, U.S.). The meta-analyses were conducted with thestatistical software Comprehensive Meta-Analysis 2.0 (Biostat,Englewood NJ, USA). RR and 95% CI was calculated using MicrosoftExcel 2010, with the formulas for 95% CI of RR = exp(ln(p1/p2) 1.96 * sqrt(1 / (p1 * N1) + 1 / (p2 * N2) – 1 / N1 – 1 / N2)), and pvalue = 2 * (1 – normsdist(abs(p1 – p2) / sqrt(p1 * (1 – p1) / N1 + p2 *(1 – p2) / N2))). All statistical tests were two sided using an a level of0.05.
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