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Indonesian) 1:
In ScopeThe GS1 Global Traceability Standard includes:■ Identification of parties, items and events■ Labelling and/or marking and/or tagging of products■ The nature and type of data to be captured and collected■ Record keeping including archiving / data storage■ Communication and sharing of information (Information can be shown at the physical level ofpackaging labels and printed bar-codes or captured and recorded at a data management leveland communicated using e-business messaging including, e.g. EDI.)■ Links identification and management■ Retrieval / search of information (The ability to track and trace a traceable item from creationto the point of sale, use or destruction depending on the industry, e.g. using a standardsbased EPCIS)Note: Sector specific examples of traceability systems and information flow are available in theGTS Sector Specific Implementation Guidelines.All types of products are in scope, for example:■ Units (e.g., an individual product, batches / lots)■ Trade items (e.g., a carton containing consumer units)■ Logistic units (e.g., a pallet)■ Packed and bulk products■ Branded Goods, private labels, generic unbranded productsNote: By-products, recycled products, surplus stock, returns and recalls follow the sametraceability process.Traceability can involve trading and non-trading partners (traceability partners), a physical flow oftraceable items and information flows of traceability data. Traceability partners can be any actor in therantai pasokan. Aliran fisik dapat mencakup, tergantung pada industri, produk dari input awal sampai dengan penjualan atau menggunakan oleh pengguna akhir akhir. Penelusuran selama aliran fisik juga dapat mencakup penggunaanitem yang dilacak dan pemusnahan barang dilacak.Misalnya, produk berikut mungkin dalam lingkup sistem penelusuran:■ Setiap input ke hewan atau tanaman pertanian, misalnya, pakan, pestisida■ Produk individu ditakdirkan untuk konsumsi manusia, misalnya, telur, farmasi tablet■ bahan digunakan dalam multi-bahan makanan, misalnya, tepung, telur, rempah-rempah, aditif, dll, di kue■ barang kemasan yang digunakan dengan produk. Contoh Kemasan termasuk gelasbotol, Pak disegel foil, kemasan blister disegel, kaleng, film plastik atau karton■ Setiap selesai diproduksi produk, misalnya, batch / lot kue, sampo■ Ada perdagangan item dan logistik unit, misalnya, sebuah tangki susu
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