1. Understanding leadership strategy
First of all, we have to understand what a leadership strategy [20] is, so we have to be clear about what we
mean by leadership. Leadership begins with persons in leadership positions, but it is not enough. The opportunity
of IT Company to accomplish its vision does not depend simply on the abilities of will of a single great leader, or
even upon the effectiveness of the company’s management structure. These factors are important, but don’t
constitute help us understand why some companies achieve their aims, where others fail.
Instead, inquiry results has shown, we must comprehend leadership culture, as defined by the submissions of
formal and informal leaders cooperate to influence organizational success. It is not the only factors the number or
quality of individual leaders that define organizational success, but the capacity of formal and informal leaders to
arrange in the support of organizational visions that finally makes the difference. Thus, when we refer in
leadership here, it is both the leaders themselves and the relationships between them. At different times, the idea
that leadership is bigger than the individual leader has been mentioned to as interdependent, collective or
connected leadership.
In more lusty definitions, leadership includes both formal and informal leaders. Observations of actual IT
organizations in action are rarely as neat and tidy as their organization charts would suggest. Communication,
sway and cooperation are occurring up, down and across the IT Company, almost as if the company diagram
didn’t exist, as revealed by the research of various people on mapping informal association within companies. To
blink this reality in any discussion of leadership is to miss the aim of what is happening and what must be
managed if strategies are to be created successfully.