- - Strongly Disagree If you strongly disagree or if the statement is definitely false.
- Disagree If you disagree or if the statement is mostly false.
-/+ Neutral If you are neutral about the statement, if you cannot decide, or if the statement is about equally true and false.
+ Agree If you agree or if the statement is mostly true.
+ + Strongly Agree If you strongly agree or if the statement is definitely true.
I am a 'worrier'
2. I make friends easily
3. I have a vivid imagination
4. I trust others
5. I complete tasks successfully
-- - -/+ + ++
6. I get angry easily
7. I really enjoy large parties and gatherings
8. I think art is important
9. I use and manipulate others to get my own way
10. I don't like things to be a mess - I like to tidy up
-- - -/+ + ++
11. I often feel sad
12. I like to take charge of situations and events
13. I experience deep and varied emotions
14. I love to help others
15. I keep my promises
-- - -/+ + ++
16. I find it difficult to approach others
17. I am always busy - always on the go
18. I prefer variety to routine
19. I love a good argument - a good fight
20. I work hard
-- - -/+ + ++
21. I over-indulge and go on 'binges'
22. I love excitement
23. I enjoy reading challenging books and articles
24. I believe that I am better than others
25. I am always prepared
-- - -/+ + ++
26. I panic easily
27. I am a really cheerful person
28. I tend to support political candidates who favour progress and reform
29. I sympathise with the homeless
30. I am very spontaneous - I act without thinking
-- - -/+ + ++
31. I 'fear for the worst'
32. I feel comfortable around people
33. I enjoy 'wild flights of fantasy'
34. I believe that people basically have good intentions
35. When I do something, I always do it well
-- - -/+ + ++
36. I get irritated easily
37. I always chat to lots of different people at parties
38. I see beauty in things that others might not notice
39. I don't mind cheating to get ahead
40. I often forget to put things back in their proper place
-- - -/+ + ++
41. I dislike myself
42. I try to be in charge - to lead others
43. I am empathetic - I feel others' emotions
44. I am concerned about others
45. I tell the truth
-- - -/+ + ++
46. I am afraid to draw attention to myself
47. I never sit still - I'm always on the go
48. I prefer to stick with things that I know
49. I shout and yell at people
50. I do more than what's expected of me
-- - -/+ + ++
51. I rarely over-indulge
52. I go out of my way to seek adventure
53. I avoid philosophical discussions
54. I think highly of myself
55. I get the job done and carry out my plans
-- - -/+ + ++
56. I become overwhelmed by events
57. I have a lot of fun
58. I believe that there is no absolute right or wrong
59. I feel sympathy for those who are worse off than myself
60. I make rash decisions
-- - -/+ + ++
61. I am afraid of many things
62. I avoid coming into contact with people if I can help it
63. I love to daydream
64. I trust what people say
65. I handle tasks methodically
-- - -/+ + ++
66. I frequently lose my temper
67. I prefer to be alone
68. I do not like poetry
69. I take advantage of others
70. I always leave the place in a mess
-- - -/+ + ++
71. I am often down in the dumps
72. I take control of situations
73. I rarely notice my emotional reactions and feelings
74. I am indifferent to the feelings of others
75. I break rules
-- - -/+ + ++
76. I only really feel comfortable with friends
77. I do a lot in my spare time
78. I dislike changes
79. I insult people
80. I do just enough work to get by
-- - -/+ + ++
81. I easily resist temptations
82. I enjoy being reckless
83. I have difficulty understanding abstract ideas
84. I have a high opinion of myself
85. I waste my time
-- - -/+ + ++
86. I feel that I'm unable to deal with things
87. I love life
88. I tend to support political candidates who favour conventional and traditional views
89. I am not interested in other people's problems
90. I rush into things
-- - -/+ + ++
91. I get stressed out easily
92. I keep others at a distance
93. I like to get lost in thought
94. I distrust people
95. I know how to get things done
-- - -/+ + ++
96. I am not easily annoyed
97. I avoid crowds
98. I do not enjoy going to art galleries or exhibitions
99. I am un-cooperative - I obstruct other peoples' plans
100. I leave my 'bits and pieces' and belongings around
-- - -/+ + ++
101. I feel comfortable with myself
102. I wait for others to take the lead
103. I don't understand people who get emotional
104. I don't have time for other people
105. I break my promises
-- - -/+ + ++
106. I am not bothered by difficult social situations
107. I like to take it easy
108. I am attached to conventional ways
109. I always get my own back on others
110. I put little time and effort into my work
-- - -/+ + ++
111. I am able to control my cravings
112. I act zany and outrageously
113. I am not interested in theoretical discussions
114. I boast about my virtues
115. I have difficulty starting tasks
-- - -/+ + ++
116. I remain calm under pressure
117. I look at the bright side of life
118. I believe that we should be very tough on crime
119. I try not to think about the needy
120. I act without thinking