Since man has started navigating through waters for the search of new lands, he has been throwing garbage in the ocean. The problem of ocean pollution is not a recent discovery, it has been there since many centuries, but now man has realized the effects of pollution in oceanic waters. Marine pollution basically occurs when harmful toxins such as chemicals, garbage, agricultural waste, and especially plastic are dumped in the ocean. As the surface of the water is never constant this mess keeps on spreading. The United Nations is taking the matter of ocean pollution very seriously and is devising new ways to prevent the rise of a new enemy; Plastic.
Every year about 300 billion pounds of plastic is produced in the world and not even 5% of it is recycled. So where does the remaining 95% goes? Well most of it finds safe haven in landfills and the remaining is thrown in the oceans. It is a known fact that plastic takes almost 100 years to decompose, but when it is thrown in the water; the action of the sun, water and temperature breaks it into small pieces which helps the spreading of plastic even more. This is very strange but true, in the middle of the Pacific ocean a circular pattern of water currents have accumulated enormous amounts of floating garbage. This huge amount is often referred as the 'Eastern Pacific Garbage Patch'. It was discovered by Captain Charles Moore in the early 1990s' and is still growing.