ake advantage of share-to-social features
Consumers are far more likely to be into the sharing aspects of YouTube, said Hickernell, and share-to-social features can lead to better hits and clicks for the owners of YouTube videos. If you want consumers to share with their friends and build more buzz, Hickernell suggested adding share-to-social bugs like “share to Facebook,” “post to Digg” and “add to Delicious bookmarks.”
“This is one area where companies are really starting to understand how important it is to leverage social networks for people to forward product information and offers and specials to their friends through their social networks,” he said.
The same applies to company Web sites, he added. “If you are posting to a blog on your company or product Web, or any other type of product support Web site, you still have to have those share-to-social features so people can share that URL or a particular blog post through their social network, which will get you better propagation than people simply e-mailing around links,” said Hickernell.
Read more: http://www.itworldcanada.com/article/13-ways-to-take-advantage-of-youtube/39967#ixzz3SrjCEN90
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