The performance of traders can be examined based on their cost and time competitiveness. As illustrated in Table 9 , the time for both export and import procedures are nearly the same (21-22 days) and has not changed from between 2010 to 2013 but the export and import costs differ considerably. For example, in 2010, the cost for exporting a TEU (not including freight) was $756 and $940 for imports while in 2011 this cost was reduced to $555 for export and $645 for import.. Meanwhile, the cost for export increased again in 2013 ($610), mainly relating to documents preparation although its cause were uncle, but reduced to $600 for import. The fluctuation in costs involving exporting and importing over the years indicates the inconsistency in the outcomes of business transaction improvements and implies more effective effort from the Government. In terms of an international/regional comparison, Vietnam compares rather relatively unfavourably with East Asia and the Pacific. Consequently, any attempt to address shortcomings in competitiveness will have to tackle these elements and create a more facilitative environment for Vietnamese traders and logistics suppliers.