Tsubaki x Mahiru? Ah, that brings back memories! Wait a sec, I’m just gonna have to go and channel my past self who used to ship them before she took the dive into Sloth Pair hell X’D So yeah… here goes~
Tsubaki is really clingy and needy and wants as much attention from Mahiru as possible. Whenever his Eve is busy with something (or someone) for too long he starts getting all up in his personal space, nagging him, or spamming his phone with texts until Mahiru either gets mad or finally gives him what he wants. If even that doesn’t work, he’ll sulk in the corner and accuse Mahiru of not liking him anymore until the latter finally gives in.
When he moved in, Tsubaki was really spoiled and tried to make Mahiru do everything for him, but of course Mahiru wasn’t having none of that and forced him to help with the housework chores. Tsubaki still doesn’t like them too much, but he now does them without complaining too much because then he gets to see Mahiru’s proud smile. Sometimes he even tries to surprise his Eve by doing chores that are outside his area of expertise, with varying results. Mahiru tries but can’t really bring himself to be mad at him.
Mahiru is also the unfortunate victim of Tsubaki’s harmless and old-fashioned but very annoying pranks. He usually bears with it (aside from getting annoyed and yelling at his Servamp), but once or twice Tsubaki went too far and Mahiru ended up giving him the silent treatment for a few days. The number of pranks he plays somehow ended up decreasing dramatically after those incidents.
When Mahiru is sad, Tsubaki always sets the world in motion to try and cheer him up. His cheer-up tactics range from bad jokes and puns to short impromptu performances to over-the-top cheesy gifts to inviting all their friends over to make him smile again. Mahiru thinks it’s unnecessary, but is grateful for his Servamp’s effort anyway.
Somebody should tell Tsubaki to stop using so many lame pick-up lines. Seriously, he thinks he’s so smooth but he’s just plain embarrassing and so horribly bad at flirting that Mahiru occasionally feels tempted to pretend not to know him because he’s such an embarrassment (he usually just ends up hitting him instead). Luckily for Tsubaki, most of his attempts at flirting tend to fly right over Mahiru’s head though.
Are these any good? Have any ideas yet? I dunno, most of these could also be seen as platonic but that’s because I wanted to give you the choice of writing a get-together fic or writing them in an established relationship, I think these headcanons work with both. I really hope I could help you a little! Do send me a link when it’s up