SHORT PLOT SUMMARY (Synopsis) Pride and Prejudice is the story of Mr.  translation - SHORT PLOT SUMMARY (Synopsis) Pride and Prejudice is the story of Mr.  Indonesian how to say


Pride and Prejudice is the story of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet and their five unmarried daughters. They live in the estate of Longbourn in Hertfordshire, a rural district about thirty miles from London. The family is not rich. Their property is ‘entailed’ to pass to the nearest male heir in the family, in this case to Mr. Collins. The main concern of Mrs. Bennet’s life is to see that all her daughters are married, preferably to men with large fortunes. She sees an opportunity for her eldest daughter Jane when Mr. Charles Bingley, a wealthy gentlemen from the city, occupies the nearby estate of Netherfield Park. In her excitement, she urges her husband to visit Mr. Bingley on the very first day of his arrival, before any of the other neighbors. Mr. Bennet complies to his wife’s request and visits Mr. Bingley, but withholds information about his visit from the family.
At the next social gathering in Meryton, Bingley brings along his two sisters, Caroline Bingley and Louisa Hurst. But more importantly, he brings his closest friend, Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy. Bingley, who is charming and social, is immediately attracted to the modest and gentle Jane Bennet. Darcy, in contrast to Bingley, is proud, rude, and disagreeable. When Bingley suggests that Darcy dance with Elizabeth Bennet, he refuses and negatively comments on her looks. Elizabeth overhears the comment and develops a strong prejudice against Darcy. At the next ball in Netherfield, Darcy feels an attraction for Elizabeth and asks her for a dance. She refuses to dance with him, thereby avenging the earlier insults.
Jane and Bingley continue to be attracted to one another. Caroline Bingley invites Jane to Netherfield for a visit. While at Netherfield, Jane falls ill and Elizabeth comes to look after her sister. While at Netherfield, Elizabeth is forced to confront Darcy. She approaches him with wit and sarcasm. Since Darcy has known only flattery from others, he is charmed by Elizabeth’s frankness. During her short stay at Netherfield, Elizabeth realizes Caroline is very contemptuous of her family, its social status, and Mrs. Bennet’s vulgarity. Elizabeth concludes that Caroline’s friendship and cordiality towards Jane is only a pretense.
The male relative to whom the Longbourn estate is ‘entailed’ is Rev. William Collins of Hunsfort. Mr. Collins pays a visit to Longbourn with the intention of proposing marriage to one of the Bennet daughters. His pompous manners and his bloated rhetoric disgust everyone, except Mrs. Bennet, who looks upon him as a prospective son-in-law. Collins is attracted to Jane, but Mrs. Bennet informs him that she is about to be engaged. He then turns his attention to Elizabeth and makes a ridiculous proposal of marriage to her. When Elizabeth rejects him, he proposes to her friend Charlotte Lucas, who, to everyone’s shock, accepts him. Mrs. Bennet is distressed by Elizabeth’s rejection of Mr. Collins because it is the one opportunity she has of keeping the Longbourn estate in the family.
Bingley and his companions soon depart for London. Both Bingley and Caroline write to Jane to say that they have closed Netherfield and have no plans of returning to it in the near future. Jane is very disappointed. As Jane feels frustration over Bingley, Elizabeth finds a new attraction. She meets Mr. Wickham and is foolishly and magnetically drawn to him. They have a friendly conversation in which she reveals her dislike of Darcy. Taking advantage of this information, Wickham concocts a story and tells Elizabeth that he has been cheated by Darcy. Elizabeth takes pity on him and almost falls in love. Mrs. Gardiner, however, warns Elizabeth about Wickham, who soon marries Miss King.
At the invitation of the Gardiners, Jane goes to London for some rest and change of air. She hopes that she sees Bingley, even accidentally. Jane makes many attempts to get in touch with him, but Caroline does not even inform her brother about Jane’s presence in London. Jane is heart broken, but grows to accept her rejection.

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Results (Indonesian) 1: [Copy]
SHORT PLOT SUMMARY (Synopsis) Pride and Prejudice is the story of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet and their five unmarried daughters. They live in the estate of Longbourn in Hertfordshire, a rural district about thirty miles from London. The family is not rich. Their property is ‘entailed’ to pass to the nearest male heir in the family, in this case to Mr. Collins. The main concern of Mrs. Bennet’s life is to see that all her daughters are married, preferably to men with large fortunes. She sees an opportunity for her eldest daughter Jane when Mr. Charles Bingley, a wealthy gentlemen from the city, occupies the nearby estate of Netherfield Park. In her excitement, she urges her husband to visit Mr. Bingley on the very first day of his arrival, before any of the other neighbors. Mr. Bennet complies to his wife’s request and visits Mr. Bingley, but withholds information about his visit from the family. At the next social gathering in Meryton, Bingley brings along his two sisters, Caroline Bingley and Louisa Hurst. But more importantly, he brings his closest friend, Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy. Bingley, who is charming and social, is immediately attracted to the modest and gentle Jane Bennet. Darcy, in contrast to Bingley, is proud, rude, and disagreeable. When Bingley suggests that Darcy dance with Elizabeth Bennet, he refuses and negatively comments on her looks. Elizabeth overhears the comment and develops a strong prejudice against Darcy. At the next ball in Netherfield, Darcy feels an attraction for Elizabeth and asks her for a dance. She refuses to dance with him, thereby avenging the earlier insults. Jane and Bingley continue to be attracted to one another. Caroline Bingley invites Jane to Netherfield for a visit. While at Netherfield, Jane falls ill and Elizabeth comes to look after her sister. While at Netherfield, Elizabeth is forced to confront Darcy. She approaches him with wit and sarcasm. Since Darcy has known only flattery from others, he is charmed by Elizabeth’s frankness. During her short stay at Netherfield, Elizabeth realizes Caroline is very contemptuous of her family, its social status, and Mrs. Bennet’s vulgarity. Elizabeth concludes that Caroline’s friendship and cordiality towards Jane is only a pretense. The male relative to whom the Longbourn estate is ‘entailed’ is Rev. William Collins of Hunsfort. Mr. Collins pays a visit to Longbourn with the intention of proposing marriage to one of the Bennet daughters. His pompous manners and his bloated rhetoric disgust everyone, except Mrs. Bennet, who looks upon him as a prospective son-in-law. Collins is attracted to Jane, but Mrs. Bennet informs him that she is about to be engaged. He then turns his attention to Elizabeth and makes a ridiculous proposal of marriage to her. When Elizabeth rejects him, he proposes to her friend Charlotte Lucas, who, to everyone’s shock, accepts him. Mrs. Bennet is distressed by Elizabeth’s rejection of Mr. Collins because it is the one opportunity she has of keeping the Longbourn estate in the family. Bingley and his companions soon depart for London. Both Bingley and Caroline write to Jane to say that they have closed Netherfield and have no plans of returning to it in the near future. Jane is very disappointed. As Jane feels frustration over Bingley, Elizabeth finds a new attraction. She meets Mr. Wickham and is foolishly and magnetically drawn to him. They have a friendly conversation in which she reveals her dislike of Darcy. Taking advantage of this information, Wickham concocts a story and tells Elizabeth that he has been cheated by Darcy. Elizabeth takes pity on him and almost falls in love. Mrs. Gardiner, however, warns Elizabeth about Wickham, who soon marries Miss King. At the invitation of the Gardiners, Jane goes to London for some rest and change of air. She hopes that she sees Bingley, even accidentally. Jane makes many attempts to get in touch with him, but Caroline does not even inform her brother about Jane’s presence in London. Jane is heart broken, but grows to accept her rejection.
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Results (Indonesian) 2:[Copy]
Pride and Prejudice adalah kisah Bapak dan Ibu Bennet dan lima anak perempuan yang belum menikah mereka. Mereka tinggal di real dari Longbourn di Hertfordshire, sebuah distrik pedesaan sekitar tiga puluh mil dari London. Keluarga tidak kaya. Properti mereka 'mensyaratkan' untuk lolos ke ahli waris laki-laki terdekat dalam keluarga, dalam hal ini Mr Collins. Perhatian utama dari kehidupan Mrs. Bennet adalah untuk melihat bahwa semua anak-anaknya menikah, sebaiknya untuk pria dengan kekayaan besar. Dia melihat kesempatan untuk putri sulungnya Jane ketika Mr Charles Bingley, seorang pria kaya dari kota, menempati real terdekat dari Netherfield Park. Dalam kegembiraannya, ia mendesak suaminya untuk mengunjungi Mr Bingley pada hari pertama kedatangannya, sebelum salah satu tetangga lainnya. Mr Bennet sesuai permintaan istrinya dan mengunjungi Mr Bingley, tapi menahan informasi tentang kunjungannya dari keluarga.
Pada arisan berikutnya di Meryton, Bingley membawa serta dua saudara perempuannya, Caroline Bingley dan Louisa Hurst. Tapi yang lebih penting, ia membawa teman terdekatnya, Tuan Fitzwilliam Darcy. Bingley, yang menarik dan sosial, segera tertarik ke sederhana dan lembut Jane Bennet. Darcy, berbeda dengan Bingley, bangga, kasar, dan tidak menyenangkan. Ketika Bingley menunjukkan bahwa Darcy menari dengan Elizabeth Bennet, ia menolak dan negatif komentar pada penampilannya. Elizabeth sengaja mendengar komentar dan mengembangkan prasangka yang kuat terhadap Darcy. Pada bola berikutnya di Netherfield, Darcy merasa daya tarik bagi Elizabeth dan meminta dia untuk berdansa. Dia menolak untuk menari dengan dia, sehingga membalas penghinaan sebelumnya.
Jane dan Bingley terus tertarik satu sama lain. Caroline Bingley mengajak Jane ke Netherfield untuk berkunjung. Sementara di Netherfield, Jane jatuh sakit dan Elizabeth datang untuk menjaga adiknya. Sementara di Netherfield, Elizabeth dipaksa untuk menghadapi Darcy. Dia mendekatinya dengan kecerdasan dan sarkasme. Sejak Darcy telah dikenal hanya pujian dari orang lain, ia terpesona oleh keterusterangan Elizabeth. Selama dia tinggal pendek di Netherfield, Elizabeth menyadari Caroline sangat menghina keluarganya, status sosial, dan vulgar Mrs. Bennet. Elizabeth menyimpulkan bahwa persahabatan dan keramahan Caroline terhadap Jane hanya berpura-pura.
relatif laki-laki untuk siapa real Longbourn adalah 'mensyaratkan' adalah Pendeta William Collins dari Hunsfort. Mr Collins membayar kunjungan ke Longbourn dengan tujuan mengusulkan menikah dengan salah satu putri Bennet. Sopan santun sombong dan kembung orang retorika jijik, kecuali Mrs. Bennet, yang memandang dia sebagai anak-in-hukum calon. Collins tertarik pada Jane, tapi Mrs Bennet memberitahu dia bahwa dia akan terlibat. Dia kemudian berubah perhatiannya ke Elizabeth dan membuat proposal konyol pernikahan dengannya. Ketika Elizabeth menolak, dia mengusulkan untuk temannya Charlotte Lucas, yang, shock semua orang, menerima dia. Ibu Bennet yang tertekan oleh penolakan Elizabeth Mr Collins karena itu adalah salah satu kesempatan dia menjaga real Longbourn dalam keluarga.
Bingley dan teman-temannya segera berangkat ke London. Kedua Bingley dan Caroline menulis untuk Jane mengatakan bahwa mereka telah ditutup Netherfield dan tidak memiliki rencana untuk kembali ke sana dalam waktu dekat. Jane sangat kecewa. Seperti Jane merasa frustrasi atas Bingley, Elizabeth menemukan daya tarik baru. Dia bertemu Mr. Wickham dan bodoh dan magnetis tertarik padanya. Mereka memiliki percakapan ramah di mana ia mengungkapkan ketidaksukaannya nya Darcy. Mengambil keuntungan dari informasi ini, Wickham concocts cerita dan mengatakan Elizabeth bahwa ia telah ditipu oleh Darcy. Elizabeth mengambil kasihan padanya dan hampir jatuh cinta. Ibu Gardiner, bagaimanapun, memperingatkan Elizabeth tentang Wickham, yang segera menikahi Miss King.
Pada undangan Gardiners, Jane pergi ke London untuk istirahat dan perubahan udara. Dia berharap bahwa dia melihat Bingley, bahkan sengaja. Jane membuat banyak usaha untuk berhubungan dengan dia, tapi Caroline bahkan tidak memberitahu kakaknya tentang kehadiran Jane di London. Jane adalah patah hati, tapi tumbuh untuk menerima penolakannya.

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