موضوع / الفرق بين المدرسة والجامعة Differences between school and university
من طرف سبو في الأربعاء فبراير 23, 2011 2:09 am
موضوع / الفرق بين المدرسة والجامعة
Differences between school and university
University is so much bigger-the sheer size of the university campus, especially at Clayton, and the large number of students attending can be overwhelming.
At secondary school you go from room to room for classes; at university you are more likely to go from building to building.
At school your class size might range from 30 students down to perhaps five or six. At university your classroom might often be a lecture theatre seating several hundred students.
You are not alone in your experience of finding things very different. Everyone-even students from the city schools- find university a bewildering place at first.
There are signs and maps around the campuses. Look for them. Ask for them at the Information desks in each Campus Centre.
There is also an enormous difference between campuses of Monash University- mainly environment and size- and maybe this should be one of the factors you take into consideration when making your course choice.
وهاي جزئية ثانية شوفي الأنسب بينهم وكلمة Uni اختصار ل University
The Differences Between High School and Uni
High School / Uni
When and where students learn .... Mostly formal study in class. / Lots of independent study outside the classroom.
Time management ..... Time is arranged and managed for you. / Time management is self-managed.
Class hours ...... Set hours for class attendance. Fixed timetable. / Depending on your course, contact hours can appear low. Flexible and varied timetable that you arrange yourself.
The amount of feedback students receive ..... Constant feedback on your progress ./ Less frequent feedback.
Different kinds of information ...... Learning what is already known./ Critical and analytical thinking: extending and speculating on what is known.
Types of assignments ...... Limited forms of assessment. / Varied forms of assessment.
Amount of contact with teaching staff ..... Frequent access to teaching staff. / Less frequent access to academic staff.
Kinds of lessons ...... Face-to-face teaching . Mostly takes place in the classroom. / A range of different classes taught in different ways. Lectures, tutorials, computer-based or online learning, laboratory or field work, sit-down or take-home exams.
Class size.... Limited class sizes. / Classes might be very large, especially in first year.
Flexibility ..... Set and co-ordinated program. What is learned in one subject tends to support things learned in another. / Flexible and variable program. What is learned in different subjects can offer different, even conflicting views.
Opportunity for assessment ...... Years 11 and 12 build towards a single set of exams. / Continued assessment over three to five years. Building on knowledge.
What is expected from student work .... Limited range of acceptable responses to assignments - often indicated by teachers./ Broader range of acceptable responses to assignments. Students have more opportunity to offer their own analysis.
Diversity .... Students are all the same age. May live in the same locality. Mostly Australian residents./ Students are from different socioeconomic, age and cultural groups. Lots of international students.
Results (
Arabic) 1:
موضوع/الفرق بين المدرسة والجامعة الفروق بين المدرسة والجامعة من طرف الأربعاء في سبو فبراير 23، 2011 02:09 صموضوع/الفرق بين المدرسة والجامعةالاختلافات بين المدارس والجامعاتجامعة كثيرا حجم أكبر الحرم الجامعي، لا سيما في كلايتون، والعدد الكبير من الطلاب الذين يحضرون يمكن ساحق.في المدرسة الثانوية انتقل من غرفة إلى غرفة للفئات؛ في جامعة كنت أكثر عرضه للانتقال من مبنى إلى مبنى. في المدرسة قد يتراوح حجم الفئة الخاص بك 30 طالبا وصولاً إلى ربما خمسة أو ستة. في جامعة قد غالباً ما يكون فصلك مسرح محاضرة للجلوس عدة مئات من الطلاب.أنت لست وحدك في تجربتك لإيجاد أشياء مختلفة جداً. الجميع، وحتى الطلاب من المدينة المدارس-بحث الجامعة مكاناً محيرة في البداية.وهناك علامات وخرائط حول الجامعات. البحث عنهم. أطلب منهم في مكاتب الاستعلامات في كل "مركز من مراكز الحرم الجامعي".وهناك أيضا وجود فرق هائل بين حرم جامعة موناش--أساسا البيئة والحجم-وربما لهذا ينبغي أن يكون واحداً من العوامل التي تأخذ في الاعتبار عند اتخاذ اختيارك بالطبع.وهاي جزئية ثانية شوفي الأنسب بينهم وكلمة يوني اختصار ل جامعةالاختلافات بين المدارس الثانوية وأحاديالمدرسة الثانوية/يونيمتى وأين يتعلم الطلاب... دراسة رسمية معظمها في فئة. /الكثير من دراسة مستقلة خارج الفصول الدراسية.Time management ..... Time is arranged and managed for you. / Time management is self-managed.Class hours ...... Set hours for class attendance. Fixed timetable. / Depending on your course, contact hours can appear low. Flexible and varied timetable that you arrange yourself.The amount of feedback students receive ..... Constant feedback on your progress ./ Less frequent feedback.Different kinds of information ...... Learning what is already known./ Critical and analytical thinking: extending and speculating on what is known.Types of assignments ...... Limited forms of assessment. / Varied forms of assessment.Amount of contact with teaching staff ..... Frequent access to teaching staff. / Less frequent access to academic staff.Kinds of lessons ...... Face-to-face teaching . Mostly takes place in the classroom. / A range of different classes taught in different ways. Lectures, tutorials, computer-based or online learning, laboratory or field work, sit-down or take-home exams.Class size.... Limited class sizes. / Classes might be very large, especially in first year.Flexibility ..... Set and co-ordinated program. What is learned in one subject tends to support things learned in another. / Flexible and variable program. What is learned in different subjects can offer different, even conflicting views.Opportunity for assessment ...... Years 11 and 12 build towards a single set of exams. / Continued assessment over three to five years. Building on knowledge.What is expected from student work .... Limited range of acceptable responses to assignments - often indicated by teachers./ Broader range of acceptable responses to assignments. Students have more opportunity to offer their own analysis.Diversity .... Students are all the same age. May live in the same locality. Mostly Australian residents./ Students are from different socioeconomic, age and cultural groups. Lots of international students.
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