In Thailand, the procedure of preservation of concentrated latex is performed by using high content of ammonia (HA). For a few factories, the preservation process is done by using ammonia and some types of substances (TA-TZ). However, currently, the system of preservation is lied between HA and LA and it is called MA latex (medium ammonia). At the present day, the purchasing of this type of latex is ordered from requirement of the customers under ISO standard which is defined by total solid content (TSC) and dry rubber content (DRC) [6-7].
Thailand stepped into the first rank in producing and exporting the natural rubbers by producing and exporting at 34% and 47% of overall capacities in the world. The income from exporting the rubbers in 2004 reached 136,704 million baths. In the same year, the natural rubbers were produced at 2.97 million tons and 89% of those were exported in form of raw materials. By previous reason, it is the cause that Thailand must rely on markets at outside of the country. Thus in order to attain the leader in para-rubber of the world and have the high potential in competition in the world market, the reengineering of the products of para-rubber and rubber industries is necessary [8].