The researcher used bracketing skill to make sure that the
researcher had minimal impact on the data analysis and the results
(Morse, 1994). Grounded theory emphasises that data collection,
coding and analysis are conducted simultaneously (Corbin & Strauss,2007). Therefore, a research assistant typed each interview transcript within 2 days following the interview. Concurrently, the lead
researcher listened carefully to the tape-recorded version to confirm
the accuracy of the typed transcript. Subsequently, data were
analysed line-by-line to uncover important, repeated and highlighted
information. These important data were then coded into significant
statements (meaning units), and emergent concepts were created.
Next, constant comparative analysis was used to group similar
concepts together to create four subcategories within the contextual
conditions component of the paradigm (Corbin & Strauss, 2007) and
nine subcategories within the intervening conditions of the paradigm.
Finally, constant comparative analysis was used to identify similar
subcategories, which were clustered together to create two categories
within the contextual conditions component of the paradigm and two
categories within the intervening conditions of the paradigm.