Forecast your package contains drugs that are not or law import to Norway
consignment contains forbidden goods
consignments will be returned to sender by return deadline
You have grips receive a drug that is not allowed a import to Norway. Shipment is therefore stopped by Customs and kept by the Post Office. If you think that this product is legally a importer has a first pa 10 days (from the date of the notification) on a reply stating Pa e mail or by mail to the address indicated in the footer. This letter must follow with your rationale.
After the deadline, the package will be returned or
destroyed depending on customs its avgorelse
Upon returning the package will entirely be returned also content that does not fall under the import ban
Posten have not chance or permission from Customs to a withdraw some content
at destruction will loving content in the same package will be toll treated and forwarded to you after 10 days
sentsitiv informasjion not dwell on e mail.
Read more about terms and rules for private import of medicines on www.legmidlerfrautlandet. com.
For information in English, Please visit www. medicinesfrommabroad. com