I found your advertisement in web site www.chevronthailand.com on October 30th, 2013. I am very much interested in applying my skills to benefit Chevron Thailand Exploration and Production, Ltd. as a Horizons HES Specialist. I have graduated with a Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering from Chulalongkorn University in June 2011. Prior to that, I graduated in March 2007 with a Bachelor of Earth Science degree from Kasetsart University. I decided to change a field of my studies to explore related and challenging territories of the sciences.
As a Horizons HES Specialist, I will definitely add value to the company by applying the tools and skills that I have gained from my education and experiences. I have enclosed my resume as a first step in exploring the possibilities of employment Chevron Thailand Exploration and Production, Ltd. Thank you for considering my application. I can be reached at Tel. 086-835-6255 or at nanpapit@hotmail.com. Would you be kind to give me a few days notice in case I have a chance for an interview. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you once again for you kindness and consideration.