Diana Lie berbagi video Dogs Deserve Better: JOJO SATURDAY SEPT. 20 St translation - Diana Lie berbagi video Dogs Deserve Better: JOJO SATURDAY SEPT. 20 St Indonesian how to say

Diana Lie berbagi video Dogs Deserv

Diana Lie berbagi video Dogs Deserve Better: JOJO SATURDAY SEPT. 20 Still chained Owner mentions killing him.

Baru saja · somebody live near in there,, please help jojo . take him go out there !  his owner do not give him food or water ! 

Dogs Deserve Better bersama Nisha Mohammed dan Art Oelsner di 3212 Woodson Rd.Acampo California

1 jam · Jojo UPDATE! 3212 Woodson Rd. ACAMPO CALIFORNIA JOJO illegally chained 24/7. Owner just stopped our local good samaritan as he was walking down the road. Both the owner and his wife were angry because Jojo's story has been exposed on Facebook. When the good Sam told him the only issue was that Jojo was on a chain, owner said, "Maybe he would be better off if we just put him down".Dog CHAINED 24 HOURS A DAY 365 DAYS A YEAR NOW COULD BE KILLED BY OWNER. Good Sam offered to take the dog many times. OWNER REFUSES. WOULD RATHER KILL THE DOG. If this dog is harmed or killed it's blood will be on the hands of the San Joaquin district Atty. CALL JOAQUIN COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY (209)468-2400 (209)465-0371Ken Vogel District Supervisor (209)468-3113 TELL THEM THEY ARE MISINTERPRETING THE LAW. NO MORE THAN 3 HOURS IN CA. FOR CHAINING PER 24 HOURS. Health and Safety 122335: (a) For purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall have the following definitions:(1) “Animal control” means the municipal or county animal control agency or any other entity responsible for enforcing animal-related laws.(2) “Agricultural operation” means an activity that is necessary for the commercial growing and harvesting of crops or the raising of livestock or poultry.(3) “Person” means any individual, partnership, corporation, organization, trade or professional association, firm, limited liability company, joint venture, association, trust, estate, or any other legal entity, and any officer, member, shareholder, director, employee, agent, or representative thereof.(4) “Reasonable period” means a period of time not to exceed three hours in a 24-hour period, or a time that is otherwise approved by animal control.(b) No person shall tether, fasten, chain, tie, or restrain a dog, or cause a dog to be tethered, fastened, chained, tied, or restrained, to a dog house, tree, fence, or any other stationary object.(c) Notwithstanding subdivision (b), a person may do any of the following in accordance with Section 597t of the Penal Code:(1) Attach a dog to a running line, pulley, or trolley system. A dog shall not be tethered to the running line, pulley, or trolley system by means of a choke collar or pinch collar.(2) Tether, fasten, chain, tie, or otherwise restrain a dog pursuant to the requirements of a camping or recreational area.(3) Tether, fasten, chain, or tie a dog no longer than is necessary for the person to complete a temporary task that requires the dog to be restrained for a reasonable period.(4) Tether, fasten, chain, or tie a dog while engaged in, or actively training for, an activity that is conducted pursuant to a valid license issued by the State of California if the activity for which the license is issued is associated with the use or presence of a dog. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to prohibit a person from restraining a dog while participating in activities or using accommodations that are reasonably associated with the licensed activity.(5) Tether, fasten, chain, or tie a dog while actively engaged in any of the following:(A) Conduct that is directly related to the business of shepherding or herding cattle or livestock.(B) Conduct that is directly related to the business of cultivating agricultural products, if the restraint is reasonably necessary for the safety of the dog.(d) A person who violates this chapter is guilty of an infraction or a misdemeanor.(1) An infraction under this chapter is punishable upon conviction by a fine of up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250) as to each dog with respect to which a violation occurs.(2) A misdemeanor under this chapter is punishable upon conviction by a fine of up to one thousand dollars ($1,000) as to each dog with respect to which a violation occurs, or imprisonment in a county jail for not more than six months, or both.(3) Notwithstanding subdivision (d), animal control may issue a correction warning to a person who violates this chapter, requiring the owner to correct the violation, in lieu of an infraction or misdemeanor, unless the violation endangers the health or safety of the animal, the animal has been wounded as a result of the violation, or a correction warning has previously been issued to the individual.(e) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prohibit a person from walking a dog with a hand-held leash.Penal Code 597 t: Every person who keeps an animal confined in an enclosed area shall provide it with an adequate exercise area. If the animal is restricted by a leash, rope, or chain, the leash, rope, or chain shall be affixed in such a manner that it will prevent the animal from becoming entangled or injured and permit the animal’s access to adequate shelter, food, and water. Violation of this section constitutes a misdemeanor.This section shall not apply to an animal which is in transit, in a vehicle, or in the immediate control of a person.
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Results (Indonesian) 1: [Copy]
Diana Lie berbagi video anjing lebih pantas: JOJO Sabtu September. 20 masih dirantai pemilik menyebutkan membunuhnya.

Baru saja · seseorang yang tinggal di dekat di sana,, Mohon bantuan jojo. membawanya pergi luar sana!  pemiliknya tidak memberikan dia makanan atau air! 

Anjing layak lebih baik bersama dan Mohammed Nisha seni Oelsner di 3212 Woodson Rd.Acampo California

1 selai · Jojo UPDATE! 3212 Woodson Rd. ACAMPO CALIFORNIA JOJO ilegal dirantai 24/7. Pemilik hanya berhenti orang Samaria baik lokal kami ketika ia sedang berjalan menyusuri jalan. Pemilik dan istrinya menjadi marah karena Jojo's cerita telah terpapar di Facebook. Ketika Sam baik menyuruhnya satu-satunya masalah adalah bahwa Jojo pada rantai, pemilik mengatakan, "Mungkin dia akan lebih baik jika kita hanya menempatkannya ke bawah".Anjing DIRANTAI 24 jam hari 365 hari setahun sekarang bisa DIBUNUH oleh pemilik. Sam baik menawarkan diri untuk mengambil anjing berkali-kali. PEMILIK MENOLAK. AKAN LEBIH SUKA MEMBUNUH ANJING. Jika anjing ini dirugikan atau membunuh darah itu akan berada di tangan distrik San Joaquin Atty. PANGGILAN JOAQUIN COUNTY Kabupaten pengacara (209) 468-2400 (209) 465-0371Ken Vogel District pengawas (209) 468-3113 memberitahu mereka mereka salah MENGARTIKAN hukum. TIDAK LEBIH DARI 3 JAM DI CA. UNTUK CHAINING SETIAP 24 JAM. Kesehatan dan keselamatan 122335: (a) untuk tujuan Pasal ini, istilah berikut akan memiliki definisi berikut:(1) "hewan kontrol" berarti badan municipal atau county kontrol hewan atau entitas lain yang bertanggung jawab untuk menegakkan hukum-hukum yang berhubungan dengan binatang.(2) "operasi pertanian" berarti sebuah kegiatan yang diperlukan untuk tumbuh komersial dan pemanenan tanaman atau meningkatkan ternak atau unggas.(3) "orang" berarti setiap individu, kemitraan, perusahaan, organisasi, perdagangan atau asosiasi profesional, perusahaan, perusahaan perseroan terbatas, usaha bersama, Asosiasi, kepercayaan, estate, atau kesatuan legal lainnya, dan setiap petugas, anggota, pemegang saham, Direktur, karyawan, agen, atau perwakilan daripadanya.(4) "periode wajar" berarti jangka waktu tidak akan melebihi tiga jam dalam periode 24-Jam, atau waktu yang tidak disetujui oleh hewan kontrol.(b) tidak ada orang akan menambatkan, kencangkan, rantai, dasi, atau menahan anjing, atau menyebabkan anjing diikat, diikat, dirantai, terikat, atau terkendali, sebuah rumah anjing, pohon, pagar atau objek lain stasioner.(c) meskipun subdivisi (b), seseorang dapat melakukan berikut sesuai dengan bagian 597t dari hukuman Code:(1) melampirkan anjing untuk menjalankan baris, pulley, atau sistem troli. Anjing tidak akan diikat dengan menjalankan garis, pulley, atau sistem troli dengan kerah tersedak atau mencubit kerah.(2) menambatkan, kencangkan, rantai, dasi, atau jika tidak menahan anjing persyaratan dalam area rekreasi atau berkemah.(3) menambatkan, kencangkan, Jaringan, atau mengikat anjing tidak lagi daripada diperlukan bagi orang untuk menyelesaikan tugas sementara yang memerlukan anjing untuk menahan diri untuk jangka waktu yang wajar.(4) menambatkan, kencangkan, Jaringan, atau mengikat anjing sementara terlibat dalam, atau aktif pelatihan kegiatan yang dilakukan berdasarkan lisensi yang valid yang dikeluarkan oleh negara bagian California jika aktivitas yang lisensi yang dikeluarkan terkait dengan penggunaan atau kehadiran anjing. Tidak ada dalam ayat ini yang dapat ditafsirkan untuk melarang seseorang dari menahan anjing sambil berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan atau menggunakan akomodasi yang cukup terkait dengan aktivitas berlisensi.(5) menambatkan, kencangkan, Jaringan, atau mengikat anjing sementara secara aktif terlibat dalam salah satu following:(A) perilaku yang secara langsung berkaitan dengan bisnis menggembalakan atau menggembalakan ternak atau ternak.(B) perilaku yang secara langsung berhubungan dengan usaha budidaya pertanian produk, jika pengendalian secara wajar diperlukan untuk keselamatan anjing.(d) seseorang yang melanggar pasal ini bersalah atas pelanggaran atau pelanggaran.(1) pelanggaran di bawah bab ini dihukum atas keyakinan dengan denda hingga dua ratus lima puluh dolar ($250) untuk setiap anjing yang berkaitan dengan yang terjadi pelanggaran.(2) pelanggaran di bawah bab ini dihukum atas keyakinan dengan denda hingga seribu dolar ($1,000) seperti untuk setiap anjing sehubungan dengan yang terjadi pelanggaran, atau penahanan di penjara county tidak lebih dari enam bulan, atau keduanya.(3) meskipun subdivisi (d), kontrol hewan dapat mengeluarkan peringatan koreksi untuk seseorang yang melanggar bab ini, membutuhkan pemilik untuk memperbaiki pelanggaran, sebagai pengganti pelanggaran atau pelanggaran, kecuali pelanggaran membahayakan kesehatan atau keamanan hewan, hewan telah terluka akibat pelanggaran, atau koreksi peringatan sebelumnya telah dikeluarkan kepada individu.(e) tidak ada dalam bab ini yang dapat ditafsirkan untuk melarang seseorang dari jalan-jalan anjing dengan tali genggam.T: KUHP 597 Setiap orang yang membuat binatang terbatas di suatu daerah yang tertutup harus menyediakan itu dengan area latihan yang memadai. Jika hewan dibatasi dengan tali, tali, atau jaringan, tali, tali, atau jaringan akan ditempelkan sedemikian rupa bahwa hal itu akan mencegah binatang dari menjadi terjerat atau terluka dan mengizinkan akses hewan memadai penampungan, makanan dan air. Melanggar bagian ini merupakan pelanggaran.Bagian ini tidak berlaku bagi binatang yang transit, kendaraan, atau kontrol langsung orang.
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Results (Indonesian) 2:[Copy]
Diana Lie berbagi video Dogs Deserve Better: JOJO SATURDAY SEPT. 20 Still chained Owner mentions killing him.

Baru saja · somebody live near in there,, please help jojo . take him go out there !  his owner do not give him food or water ! 

Dogs Deserve Better bersama Nisha Mohammed dan Art Oelsner di 3212 Woodson Rd.Acampo California

1 jam · Jojo UPDATE! 3212 Woodson Rd. ACAMPO CALIFORNIA JOJO illegally chained 24/7. Owner just stopped our local good samaritan as he was walking down the road. Both the owner and his wife were angry because Jojo's story has been exposed on Facebook. When the good Sam told him the only issue was that Jojo was on a chain, owner said, "Maybe he would be better off if we just put him down".Dog CHAINED 24 HOURS A DAY 365 DAYS A YEAR NOW COULD BE KILLED BY OWNER. Good Sam offered to take the dog many times. OWNER REFUSES. WOULD RATHER KILL THE DOG. If this dog is harmed or killed it's blood will be on the hands of the San Joaquin district Atty. CALL JOAQUIN COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY (209)468-2400 (209)465-0371Ken Vogel District Supervisor (209)468-3113 TELL THEM THEY ARE MISINTERPRETING THE LAW. NO MORE THAN 3 HOURS IN CA. FOR CHAINING PER 24 HOURS. Health and Safety 122335: (a) For purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall have the following definitions:(1) “Animal control” means the municipal or county animal control agency or any other entity responsible for enforcing animal-related laws.(2) “Agricultural operation” means an activity that is necessary for the commercial growing and harvesting of crops or the raising of livestock or poultry.(3) “Person” means any individual, partnership, corporation, organization, trade or professional association, firm, limited liability company, joint venture, association, trust, estate, or any other legal entity, and any officer, member, shareholder, director, employee, agent, or representative thereof.(4) “Reasonable period” means a period of time not to exceed three hours in a 24-hour period, or a time that is otherwise approved by animal control.(b) No person shall tether, fasten, chain, tie, or restrain a dog, or cause a dog to be tethered, fastened, chained, tied, or restrained, to a dog house, tree, fence, or any other stationary object.(c) Notwithstanding subdivision (b), a person may do any of the following in accordance with Section 597t of the Penal Code:(1) Attach a dog to a running line, pulley, or trolley system. A dog shall not be tethered to the running line, pulley, or trolley system by means of a choke collar or pinch collar.(2) Tether, fasten, chain, tie, or otherwise restrain a dog pursuant to the requirements of a camping or recreational area.(3) Tether, fasten, chain, or tie a dog no longer than is necessary for the person to complete a temporary task that requires the dog to be restrained for a reasonable period.(4) Tether, fasten, chain, or tie a dog while engaged in, or actively training for, an activity that is conducted pursuant to a valid license issued by the State of California if the activity for which the license is issued is associated with the use or presence of a dog. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to prohibit a person from restraining a dog while participating in activities or using accommodations that are reasonably associated with the licensed activity.(5) Tether, fasten, chain, or tie a dog while actively engaged in any of the following:(A) Conduct that is directly related to the business of shepherding or herding cattle or livestock.(B) Conduct that is directly related to the business of cultivating agricultural products, if the restraint is reasonably necessary for the safety of the dog.(d) A person who violates this chapter is guilty of an infraction or a misdemeanor.(1) An infraction under this chapter is punishable upon conviction by a fine of up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250) as to each dog with respect to which a violation occurs.(2) A misdemeanor under this chapter is punishable upon conviction by a fine of up to one thousand dollars ($1,000) as to each dog with respect to which a violation occurs, or imprisonment in a county jail for not more than six months, or both.(3) Notwithstanding subdivision (d), animal control may issue a correction warning to a person who violates this chapter, requiring the owner to correct the violation, in lieu of an infraction or misdemeanor, unless the violation endangers the health or safety of the animal, the animal has been wounded as a result of the violation, or a correction warning has previously been issued to the individual.(e) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prohibit a person from walking a dog with a hand-held leash.Penal Code 597 t: Every person who keeps an animal confined in an enclosed area shall provide it with an adequate exercise area. If the animal is restricted by a leash, rope, or chain, the leash, rope, or chain shall be affixed in such a manner that it will prevent the animal from becoming entangled or injured and permit the animal’s access to adequate shelter, food, and water. Violation of this section constitutes a misdemeanor.This section shall not apply to an animal which is in transit, in a vehicle, or in the immediate control of a person.
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