Another explanation for the low internal
consistency of the explanations scale could be
that expectations are a more ambiguous and
abstract construct than perceptions. SERVQUAL
expectations have been variously defined
as desires, wants, what a service provider should
possess, normative expectations, ideal standards,
etc. These multiple definitions may result in a
loosely defined and open to different interpretations
concept, as well as potentially serious
measurement validity problems. Furthermore,
when someone arrives at a service location,
he ⁄she may not have a concise theory about
what should be expected by the service, apart
from a general idea that one should be treated
well or have a successful outcome. Perceptions,
on the other hand, may be more specific. They
concern specific aspects of the care delivered that
the person can easily objectify and describe in a
more concise and specific manner. Another issue
that arises here is whether the same dimensions
could be used as a basis to measure both
expectations and perceptions.