My name is Zina-Maria :). But my friends called me Maria! I live in the city called Kazan.
I look on the world from my 165 sm of height. My weight is 47 kg. Now me 28 years old.
My birthdate is 5 of November!
I graduated from Moscow University of Design and Architecture. So I have my diploma.
Now I'm working as an Disigner. I find my job very interesting and I like it.
On my spare time I attend fitness-club, I try to keep myself fit. Are you engaged in any kind of sport?
I also adore playing billiard. No one could win me! what do you like to do in your spare time?
I'm very cheerful and sociable woman. But I can't find my second half. In Russia it is very difficult
to meet a true man. And I decided to find my love with the help of the Internet. I hope it will work out.
I live alone. I've never been married. I don't have children either.
I have two favourite seasons: summer and autumn. It's warm in summer.
You can get a beautiful sunburn and swim. there are a lot of interesting
and wonderful things that can happen to all the people in summer.
I like autumn for its yellow-red leaves on the trees, warm wind and birds flying away.
It's very beautiful. In this time I begin to write poems, sometimes I write songs.
When I was a child I attended the musical school. I can play the piano.
Do you play any musical instrument? What is your favourite season?
I like animals. I've recently taken a liitle fluffy pet who can purr. It's a kitty, girl.
By the way, do you have any pet? What is your favourite dish? Drink? I adore cooking,
I like to experiment - to cook different delicious dishes. My latest successful experiment
was eggplants under the Peking sauce. May be some day I will cook it for you!
I perfer natural juices. They are tasty and useful. Most of all I like tomato juice.
I don't have bad habits. I don't smoke or drink. I can drink a little but only on holidays or some other special event.
I like to listen to the music and to dance. I usually listen to calming music but sometimes
I can also listen to something rhythmical. What music do you prefer?
I like to go to the cinema to watch interesting films. I adore comedies ("Three in canoe")
and mysticism ("Konstantin"). Did you watch them? And of course,
I like old Russian comedies. Recently I made an exceptional thing -
I went to the theatre to watch a cartoon film called "Madagascar". It's very funny.
I really enjoyed it! I'll give you a piece of advice - watch it if you haven't yet.
I'm sure you will like it and if you are sad you will smile :)
Movies of what kind do you like? What are your favourite films?
Do you like to travel? As for me, I do. Very much!
I also visited Kiev, Saratov and some other cities of Russia. Have you ever been to Russia?
Oops! My time is off. I will look forward to you reply for this letter.
Write to me as more information about you as you can. I wish you good luck!