Big Yellow Dog face depressed following in Jiang Chen behind, braves Qing Lian Old Ancestor to be able with this inexpensive Monk to contact suddenly together, Big Yellow Dog was also drunk.
However he is not the first talent knows Jiang Chen, knows the thing that this fellow incomparable gods and ghosts, know are also many, therefore Big Yellow Dog was also used.
Chaotic Sea is extremely broad, stretches to the horizon, after Monk leaves, then went into hiding, wanted to find the incomparable difficulty, but this actually could not baffle Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen must look for the words of person, could not have found, under Mighty Soul Derivation Technique, without the person who he could not find.
In Skyhawk island 20000 miles away, here is piece of archipelago, has actually been far away from the Chaotic Sea center, here world vitality somewhat was thin, the archipelago were already ruined, the uncultivated land does not have the human footmark, usually is the rare person, basically nobody appears here.
At this moment, rocks void, a person of dog appeared beside the archipelago, to here, even if extreme secret of Monk hideaway, but by the Jiang Chen clear induction.
„This Monk will choose place actually, some place people who this bird does not defecate will not have come.”
Big Yellow Dog said.
„This place is actually good, but the masters of four big influences , to seek for him, perhaps Chaotic Sea turning, found him not to be difficult.”
Jiang Chen said.
„Do you prepare to help him? Now runs to find him, told him us is helps his? Did you believe a that dead Monk palm of the hand to pat to give to wither your me.”
Big Yellow Dog turned turned the white of the eyes saying that Monk to buddhist relics what kind caring, did not hesitate to hide waits for here is so long, if now Jiang Chen rushes to front of Monk to mention helps his, that Monk knows that will not be the fool certainly does not believe that moreover, one Battle King was not busy that the young fellow, Big Yellow Dog of 1-Tier Beastly King rank, can help.
„Naturally is not, we hide, should not be discovered by Monk, making him build up the buddhist relics relieved, if in building up in the process the masters of four big influences have not come, we do not need to get rid . Moreover, person who four big influences this time present, inevitably is not the common master, takes our present cultivation as, perhaps could not cope, I happen to attacked Battle King taking advantage of these days.”
Jiang Chen said.
Afterward, Jiang Chen and Big Yellow Dog hideaway aura, has chosen a desert island casually, hid, if the average person, by the Monk vigilance, wants to hide here, but was not discovered that indeed is an incomparably difficult matter, but Jiang Chen and Big Yellow Dog hideaway method is wise, can definitely achieve silently, even if Monk also gives up any idea of the discovery.
After Jiang Chen and Big Yellow Dog hide, the golden form appeared sky over an archipelago center desert island together, this form was not others, was Monk.
At this moment, a vigilance of Monk face, he looks around, Spiritual knowledge throws to disperse, investigated the entire archipelago one side, discovered that is not unusual, this hid.
In the desert island of center, Monk sits well in a piece of tranquil mountain valley, sits cross-legged to sit, top of the head buddhist relics sent out a layer upon layer golden halo, above sold out Sanskrit.
Monk drinks suddenly greatly, a golden Fokuang runs out from his top of the head, gives the package the buddhist relics instantaneously, afterward, the buddhist relics imitate, if received some summon to be the same, directly entered Monk within the body.