Chu Feng
and others, under the protection of Hong Qiang, walked was very far, is their world, still unceasing fierce was trembling, hurricanes layer by layer sweep across to come unceasingly, if not for Hong Qiang is going against, even if Chu Feng they, cannot withstand.
But waits and sees to the direction that Aunt Lian and Tie Eren battle, is Martial Power is more dreadful, looks, blustery, the lightning occurred simultaneously, and that wind is not the common wind, that thunder is not the common thunder, in that like a whirlwind that sweeps away scattered clouds, under devastation of thunder broken expansive sky, that side world, already was the earth-shattering.
There is not the common generation, territory that can step into, not to mention Chu Feng such Martial King, even if Hong Qiang such Half Emperor peak, steps into, is hard to imagine withstands, must die without doubt.
„Good intense fight, anything cannot see, does not know that tactical situation actually how, Aunt Lian whether is teaching Tie Eren that old bastard.”
Nangong Baihe this moment both eyes shine, carefully watches, this has resorted to the special observation method, however was a pity that except for that fierce energy ripples, her anything could not see, could not find Aunt Lian and Tie Eren form.
„I try.” Chu Feng has used Heaven’s Eyes, under Heaven’s Eyes, although he can see Aunt Lian and Tie Eren form, but also occasionally sees, and appears also on the flash, the two quick will immediately then vanish, because of other, only because of two's speed, was really not too quick.
Suddenly, in that blustery dim world, presented a dazzling golden light, just like gold dragon, galloping in dim is ordinary.
Meanwhile, a greatly strengthened power and influence is also sweeps away, this power and influence was too strong, profoundly Chu Feng and others can feel, that terrifying.
„Was the Emperor rank bloodline, Aunt Lian has used the Emperor rank bloodline, it seems like she was earnest, cannot think that this Tie Eren such, can compel Aunt Lian to use the Emperor rank bloodline unexpectedly.” Nangong Baihe said.
However, follows, is a boundless power and influence transmits from that war circle, at the same time, a giant hawk head, reappears from that thunder in unexpectedly suddenly, although is only the reappearing flash, then vanished, but Chu Feng and others is clear seeing, what that is only great the hawk to be long is how fierce, and builds general just like the steel and iron, is lending very dangerous aura.
„Chu Feng, what's the matter, just that great hawk what's the matter?” Nangong Baihe she has not seen clearly, can only inquire to Chu Feng.
„That is Divine Power the hawk, this Tie Eren is also Divine Body, has Divine Power.” Chu Feng said.
„Is Tie Eren unexpectedly Divine Body? That is not weak in the strength of my Emperor rank bloodline.” Hears this words, Nangong Ya as well as Nangong Baihe, even is Nangong Moli, is becomes exceptionally is anxious.
This battle compared with wants intense many that they imagine, even if Aunt Lian has the Emperor rank bloodline, so far cannot occupy cheaply, two people of equally matched, inextricably involved.
However, at this moment, is a bang transmits, at the same time, the turbulent energy ripples, sweeping across of blotting out the sky comes together, when that ripples have blown, even if Chu Feng and others treads above void, is to shake left and right shakes, if not for Hong Qiang has stood firm them, feared that is this Aunt Lian, will make Chu Feng and others not die also injures.
Too terrifying, the fight of that rank, Chu Feng and others does not have any opportunity of meddling seriously, observes continually must cautiously, leaves distant.
„What's the matter, the Emperor rank bloodline of Aunt Lian, how weakened probably.” At this moment, Nangong Ya and others is in great surprise, they discovered that such as gold dragon was formerly ordinary, wreaks havoc the golden ray in that war circle, at this moment is weakening.
„Chu Feng, what also had?” Nangong Baihe, anxious inquired to Chu Feng.
„Aunt Lian has been injured, that Tie Eren grasps true Incomplete Emperor Armament, Aunt Lian on armament suffered a loss.” Chu Feng said.
„What? That Tie Eren, has true Incomplete Emperor Armament unexpectedly.” Hears this words, the Nangong Ya and others complexion is more unattractive.
„You walk quickly!!!” At this moment, passes message together maps in the ear of Chu Feng and others, but this is sending greetings of Aunt Lian.
„Hateful, with is First Rank Martial Emperor, isn't Aunt Lian really this Tie Eren match?”
„What to do? I cannot look at Aunt Lian helplessly, dies in the hand of that bastard.” Hears sending greetings of Aunt Lian, Nangong Ya and Nangong Baihe were anxious, at once, they do not know not to know what to do, plan that but actually do not escape.
„You walk first.” Chu Feng opens the mouth to say.
„Chu Feng, what did you say?” Nangong Ya