Have you ever had this thought, “What will look good on my college app translation - Have you ever had this thought, “What will look good on my college app Vietnamese how to say

Have you ever had this thought, “Wh

Have you ever had this thought, “What will look good on my college application?” Most students have. There is one thing that can influence a college’s or company’s decision for the better about accepting or hiring a person, and this is by learning a second language. As people from other countries continue to immigrate into America, it is becoming more important than ever to learn a second language, even simply to appear more marketable and have something to set an applicant apart from their competitors. One of these benefits includes how great it looks on applications for just about anything. Others include the convenience when traveling, making new friends, improving the fluency of the speaker’s native language, having a type of a secret code among friends, and preventing Alzheimer’s.
There are many reasons for knowing multiple languages that look good on applications. First, on college applications, it shows that the applicant is willing to devote time and energy into learning something. This in turn, will show the reviewer that you would be willing to work hard on college studies as well. On a job application it makes an employee more marketable because even if it is an employee at McDonald’s, there is always the possibility that a customer might not speak English. If you know this other language you would be able to communicate with the customer. Also focusing on the McDonald’s example, if an applicant and another potential employee had exactly the same qualifications the company would look for little things to set the two apart. The fact that you know another language is a huge achievement. That makes the person unique when compared to other candidates. Another reason is that many companies have sister companies in other parts of the world or do business with companies in other locations. Knowing the language of the other company’s country would make someone stand out in the sea of applicants. By knowing this language the applicant would be able to communicate with people from the company to solve problems. This could also increase the possibility to travel abroad to the location.
One major part of learning a language is often being able to travel to a foreign country. Being able to speak the native language has many benefits in and of itself. When you travel to another country you are truly representing America. David Barry made this, “Americans who travel abroad for the first time are often shocked to discover that, despite all the progress that has been made in the last 30 years, many foreign people still speak in foreign languages.” By putting forth the effort to speak with people in their own language it shows that the traveler is doing their best to take care of themself in a different environment. The locals can see their effort and are more willing to help. It’s also good because this way the traveler can navigate, go to restaurants, and speak with the locals without the help of a friend or translator. Speaking to the locals is often a highlight of many people’s trips. It gives insight on a new way of life and can develop new friendships.
It is easy to get to know people with whom we have much in common. These are people with whom we would most easily bond.. Now, what if these people spoke two entirely different languages? They may not even meet each other simply because they couldn’t understand each other. If one or both of them learned the other person’s language, they could create a lifetime friendship. Especially with social networking at an all-time high, the ability to converse with people from around the globe becomes easier each time a new website is created. Often times the creators learn other languages to help their website to appeal to people of other cultures.
Many scholars, authors, artists, poets, and other people of professions that require an excellent grasp of their own language, study another language as well. This is often because learning another language helps to improve your English. For most people, the beauty of their own language is taken for granted because they have nothing to compare it to. When studying a foreign language students are able to see how the sentence structure differs from their own language as well as the vocabulary and conversational aspects. Often times, people are taken aback when studying languages such as French or Spanish due to how melodic the sentences sound. Or, as is the case with languages such as Chinese or Japanese, people are confused, but intrigued, at how the simple change in pitch can create a new word. The way that ideas are presented in other languages are often different than they are presented in English. Learning another language can help you to construct your sentences in a way that is more meaningful, creative, and precise than it would have otherwise been. With this, an author’s writing will become more fluid and will have an effect on more people.
One fun reason to learn another language is that if the student has study it with a friend, both of you can converse without others knowing what you are saying. This is something that can be immensely helpful when speaking to family about private matters while out in public, or making important decisions in public. For example, a person may be making a large purchase, such as a car, and want to discuss some of its issues but you don’t want to have others eavesdropping. In this situation you could use your other language, especially if it is a language that not many people study, to talk to whoever came along with you. Eavesdropping is something that everyone does, but also something that everyone hates. This problem is easily avoided if the student studies a language that not many people study. Another way to help this is if you can find someone to study with. That, in and of itself, is encouragement. It keeps you accountable and learning with a friend is much more enjoyable.
Did you know that there is an effective way to help the minds of you and your loved ones? An average of 1,252 people per day are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. With the astonishing numbers such as this one, about a million people are affected indirectly, at least, each day; Alzheimer’s disease is a real concern to most people. As may develop Alzheimer’s or another type of cognitive disorder as they age. Many studies have found that bilingual people, who begin to develop these types of disorders, although their physical condition may be similar, retain normal mental ability for much longer. Monolingual people begin suffering the effects much sooner. Although they both suffer, these studies suggest that it can prevent the onset Alzheimer’s for as long as a few years before it the disease takes its toll on their brain. This is because the part of your brain that it first affects is protected by the exercise you have provided it with. This “exercise” is how the brain keeps from meshing the two languages together in your mind. Learning this new language helps because it creates new neural pathways, the more neural pathways that are created, the more “backup” the brain has once the disease starts to have an effect. What many people don’t realize until it’s too late is that prevention is often preferable to the treatment.
With so many benefits at the price of about an hour a day, it is shocking that more people are not learning new languages. Even those who already know a second language can only be benefited by the new knowledge of another language. People who live in a larger city, one which has a community of Chinese, Italian, or Hispanic population along with many others, have the advantage of being submerged in another language. By showing an interest in learning the language anyone can gain new friends, a healthier brain, a new secret code against the narrow minded, and a new skill to create an outstanding résumé. As an added bonus, studies show that the easiest way to learn a language is to immerse yourself in it. As students, increasing the number of skills to add to applications for college is crucial. It shows that the student is hardworking, well rounded, and has ambition. As difficult as learning a language can be, it is well worth the time, money, and energy spent on the endeavor.
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Bạn đã bao giờ có điều này nghĩ rằng, "Những gì sẽ nhìn tốt về ứng dụng đại học của tôi?" Hầu hết học sinh có. Có một điều mà có thể ảnh hưởng đến quyết định của trường cao đẳng hoặc của công ty cho tốt hơn về việc chấp nhận hoặc thuê một người, và điều này là bằng cách học một ngôn ngữ thứ hai. Như mọi người từ các nước khác tiếp tục di cư tới Mỹ, nó đang trở nên quan trọng hơn bao giờ hết để tìm hiểu một ngôn ngữ thứ hai, ngay cả chỉ đơn giản là để xuất hiện hơn với thị trường và có một cái gì đó để thiết lập một ứng viên ngoài của đối thủ cạnh tranh. Một trong những lợi ích này bao gồm làm thế nào tuyệt vời nó trông vào các ứng dụng cho chỉ là về bất cứ điều gì. Những người khác bao gồm sự tiện lợi khi đi du lịch, kết bạn mới, cải thiện lưu loát ngôn ngữ mẹ đẻ của người nói, có một loại một mã số bí mật giữa những người bạn, và ngăn chặn của bệnh Alzheimer.Có rất nhiều lý do cho biết nhiều ngôn ngữ mà nhìn tốt trên các ứng dụng. Trước tiên, trên các ứng dụng cao đẳng, nó cho thấy rằng người nộp đơn là sẵn sàng để dành nhiều thời gian và năng lượng vào việc học một cái gì đó. Điều này lần lượt, sẽ hiển thị những người xem rằng bạn sẽ sẵn sàng làm việc chăm chỉ trên các trường cao đẳng nghiên cứu là tốt. Trên một ứng dụng công việc nó làm cho một nhân viên hơn với thị trường bởi vì ngay cả khi nó là một nhân viên tại McDonald's, có luôn luôn là khả năng rằng một khách hàng có thể không nói tiếng Anh. Nếu bạn biết này ngôn ngữ khác mà bạn sẽ có thể giao tiếp với khách hàng. Cũng tập trung vào McDonald's ví dụ, nếu một người nộp đơn và một nhân viên tiềm năng đã có chính xác những yêu cầu cùng một công ty sẽ tìm những điều nhỏ để thiết lập hai ngoài. Thực tế là bạn biết một ngôn ngữ khác là một thành tựu lớn. Điều đó làm cho người độc đáo khi so sánh với ứng cử viên khác. Một lý do là rằng nhiều công ty có chị em công ty trong các phần khác của thế giới hoặc làm kinh doanh với các công ty tại các địa điểm khác. Biết ngôn ngữ của đất nước của công ty khác sẽ làm cho một người nào đó đứng ở biển người nộp đơn. Biết ngôn ngữ này người nộp đơn nào có thể giao tiếp với những người từ công ty để giải quyết vấn đề. Điều này cũng có thể làm tăng khả năng để đi du lịch ở nước ngoài vào vị trí.Một phần quan trọng của việc học một ngôn ngữ thường là có thể đi du lịch nước ngoài. Có thể nói ngôn ngữ bản địa có nhiều lợi ích trong và của chính nó. Khi bạn đi du lịch đến một quốc gia bạn đang thực sự đại diện cho America. David Barry thực hiện điều này, "Người Mỹ đi du lịch ở nước ngoài đầu tiên được thường bị sốc để khám phá rằng, mặc dù tất cả tiến bộ đã được thực hiện trong 30 năm qua, nhiều người nước ngoài vẫn còn nói chuyện bằng tiếng nước ngoài." Bằng cách đặt ra các nỗ lực để nói chuyện với những người trong ngôn ngữ riêng của họ, nó cho thấy rằng các du khách đang làm hết sức mình để chăm sóc bản thân trong một môi trường khác nhau. Người dân địa phương có thể nhìn thấy những nỗ lực và sẵn sàng giúp đỡ. Nó cũng là tốt bởi vì cách này các du khách có thể di chuyển, đi đến nhà hàng, và nói chuyện với người dân địa phương mà không có sự giúp đỡ của một người bạn hay dịch. Nói chuyện với người dân địa phương thường là một nổi bật của chuyến đi của nhiều người. Nó đưa ra cái nhìn sâu sắc về một phương pháp mới để cuộc sống và có thể phát triển tình bạn mới.Nó rất dễ dàng để nhận biết người mà chúng tôi có nhiều điểm chung. Đây là những người với người mà chúng tôi dễ dàng nhất nào liên kết... Bây giờ, nếu những người nói hai ngôn ngữ hoàn toàn khác nhau? Họ có thể không thậm chí đáp ứng mỗi khác chỉ đơn giản là bởi vì họ không thể hiểu lẫn nhau. Nếu một hoặc cả hai người trong số họ đã học được ngôn ngữ của người khác, họ có thể tạo ra một tình bạn suốt đời. Đặc biệt là với mạng xã hội tại một thời gian tất cả thấp, khả năng trò chuyện với những người từ khắp toàn cầu trở nên dễ dàng hơn mỗi lần một trang web mới được tạo ra. Thường lần những người sáng tạo tìm hiểu các ngôn ngữ khác để giúp trang web của họ để kháng cáo đến người dân của nền văn hóa khác.Many scholars, authors, artists, poets, and other people of professions that require an excellent grasp of their own language, study another language as well. This is often because learning another language helps to improve your English. For most people, the beauty of their own language is taken for granted because they have nothing to compare it to. When studying a foreign language students are able to see how the sentence structure differs from their own language as well as the vocabulary and conversational aspects. Often times, people are taken aback when studying languages such as French or Spanish due to how melodic the sentences sound. Or, as is the case with languages such as Chinese or Japanese, people are confused, but intrigued, at how the simple change in pitch can create a new word. The way that ideas are presented in other languages are often different than they are presented in English. Learning another language can help you to construct your sentences in a way that is more meaningful, creative, and precise than it would have otherwise been. With this, an author’s writing will become more fluid and will have an effect on more people.One fun reason to learn another language is that if the student has study it with a friend, both of you can converse without others knowing what you are saying. This is something that can be immensely helpful when speaking to family about private matters while out in public, or making important decisions in public. For example, a person may be making a large purchase, such as a car, and want to discuss some of its issues but you don’t want to have others eavesdropping. In this situation you could use your other language, especially if it is a language that not many people study, to talk to whoever came along with you. Eavesdropping is something that everyone does, but also something that everyone hates. This problem is easily avoided if the student studies a language that not many people study. Another way to help this is if you can find someone to study with. That, in and of itself, is encouragement. It keeps you accountable and learning with a friend is much more enjoyable. Did you know that there is an effective way to help the minds of you and your loved ones? An average of 1,252 people per day are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. With the astonishing numbers such as this one, about a million people are affected indirectly, at least, each day; Alzheimer’s disease is a real concern to most people. As may develop Alzheimer’s or another type of cognitive disorder as they age. Many studies have found that bilingual people, who begin to develop these types of disorders, although their physical condition may be similar, retain normal mental ability for much longer. Monolingual people begin suffering the effects much sooner. Although they both suffer, these studies suggest that it can prevent the onset Alzheimer’s for as long as a few years before it the disease takes its toll on their brain. This is because the part of your brain that it first affects is protected by the exercise you have provided it with. This “exercise” is how the brain keeps from meshing the two languages together in your mind. Learning this new language helps because it creates new neural pathways, the more neural pathways that are created, the more “backup” the brain has once the disease starts to have an effect. What many people don’t realize until it’s too late is that prevention is often preferable to the treatment. With so many benefits at the price of about an hour a day, it is shocking that more people are not learning new languages. Even those who already know a second language can only be benefited by the new knowledge of another language. People who live in a larger city, one which has a community of Chinese, Italian, or Hispanic population along with many others, have the advantage of being submerged in another language. By showing an interest in learning the language anyone can gain new friends, a healthier brain, a new secret code against the narrow minded, and a new skill to create an outstanding résumé. As an added bonus, studies show that the easiest way to learn a language is to immerse yourself in it. As students, increasing the number of skills to add to applications for college is crucial. It shows that the student is hardworking, well rounded, and has ambition. As difficult as learning a language can be, it is well worth the time, money, and energy spent on the endeavor.
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