Nangong Wen Tian is somewhat speechless.
„Perhaps will have the miracle to occur, what do you look at this are?”
The Jiang Chen palm turns, the fine glow four Yao's bronze medals appear in the palm together.
„Is the bronze medal, when 9 th the block bronze medal didn't open the ancient tower front door to vanish? Your does here have? It is not right, this bronze medal is different from that nine, that nine bronze medals are tattered, just like the trash, this bronze medal actually fine glow four Yao, the gods and ghosts not measured, this what's the matter?”
Nangong Wen Tian surprised [say / way].
„In fact, nine bronze medals have not vanished on the same day, after opening ancient tower front door, then has formed this new bronze medal, but was received by me, you had not discovered that naturally thinks the bronze medal vanishes to disappear.”
Jiang Chen said that comes out after Iceland, he does not have to consider this bronze medal, after completely his brain of throwing, mentioned space transmission just now, reminds him suddenly.
„Is only, is this bronze medal useful? Can make us find the position of Iceland to be inadequate?”
Nangong Wen Tian said.
„Tries to know.”
Jiang Chen was saying, Spiritual knowledge skill from knowing within the four seas runs out, without bias and without favor, happen to falls above the bronze medal, immediately, the peaceful bronze medal sent out buzz the sound of cry, starts fiercely shivers, the thing of bronze medal probably dereliction, after accepting Jiang Chen Spiritual knowledge, immediately and Jiang Chen has produced a sympathetic chord.
Jiang Chen Spiritual knowledge loafs in the bronze medal, from the beginning sees chaos piece by piece, when Spiritual knowledge obtains the approval of bronze medal, after producing the sympathetic chord, the present all suddenly see the light.
Jiang Chen clearly sees a clear route, that route goes nonstop to some overseas one, there, a tall and pleasing to the eye Iceland fluctuates unceasingly.
„Had found, I had found the position of Iceland.”
Jiang Chen is pleasantly surprised.
Nangong Wen Tian has called out in alarm, Jiang Chen suddenly had found the position of Iceland using the bronze medal, this explained that between the bronze medal and Iceland have the extremely close relation, this point can open Icelandic front door to look from the same day nine bronze medals, now had found the Icelandic position once more, explained that the hopeful dependence bronze medal enters in Iceland.
„I obtained the approval of bronze medal now, we rush to the overseas now, found the position of Iceland, has the bronze medal help, we should be able smoothly to enter in Iceland, even found the black sacrificial altar, if can open space transmission, we must go to Southern Continent, changes relaxed incomparable.”
Jiang Chen opens the mouth to say.
„Ha Ha, was really good, Xiao Chen, you were seriously omnipotent, with you in the same place, refreshed of real his mother.”
Nangong Wen Tian laughs, with Jiang Chen this type person who has the big destiny in the same place, is really refreshed, what big difficult position regardless of as if encounters, Jiang Chen can always find the method of solution, this time found the position of Iceland, if can use transmission, will omit several months of distance, this to Nangong Wen Tian, without doubt is the huge good deed.
„Walks, first goes to overseas, has not the small distance from here to the overseas, we hurry along fully, perhaps also requires two day time to be good.”
Jiang Chen receives the bronze medal, two people display rapidly, loafs above the black nighttime sky, just like two spirits, the speed will draw near perfect, will leave behind a piece by piece remnant shade, will speed along to go toward the overseas.
After two day, similarly is night, Jiang Chen and Nangong Wen Tian arrived at overseas edge, Jiang Chen took out the bronze medal once more, the Spiritual knowledge exploration enter, the position of Iceland was clearer.
„Iceland hides in an overseas deep place extremely secret position, can feel directly through the bronze medal.”
Two people continue to accelerate, demonstrates the position that to go toward Iceland.