หน้าที่ 18
Najin port. Along this plan the common weaknesses (reliability, flexibility,
and awareness) of these routes are also expected to be overcome.
Route 5, using the Suez Canal is the most well known and highly
competitive in qualitative factors such as service and awareness, but weak
in quantitative factors such as long distance and high cost. However, to
survive the competition, time and cost should be greatly resolved to
maintain competitive edge over the routes.
The Arctic route (Route 6)is the newest and strong alternative to replace
the Route 5 in the future to come with advantages in time and distance
over Route 5. It, on the other hand, has many constraints in transporting
and is uncompetitive due to weakness in safety, frequency of transport, and
awareness. Especially, with the inherent disadvantage of limited shipping
period (summer time) and high Russia’s ice breaker escort fee, the
commercial use of the route requires more time and cost reduction.
Recently, Korean government issued subsidy policy for the ship owners
using the route which may move up the time for Arctic sea operation. Thus,
as a potential transport route in the future, the qualitative factors need
For further research, the scope of the study may be expanded by
considering more realistic alternative routes such as China routes(TCR,
TMGR routes) and routes with different origins-destinations, establishing
transportation model to determine the optimal transport quantity, and
applying better weighing method to measure the weights of criteria in
more objective way. Also, more criteria should be selected for complicated
transport network. *
This work was supported by a 2-Year Research Grant of Pusan National
University (2014)