If Jiang Chen revives now, master who certainly can recognize this statue.
Tyrant Monk puff passes one to kneel in front of the statue, respectful knocks three knocks, as soon as he changes in the demon monk stance of profound territory time, unprecedented is grave.
„Um, but also is good, comes back the first matter to kowtow to your founder.”
At this time, a sound resounded from Main Hall, this sound was very vigorous , was very dignified, one listened to know what speech was an obtaining enlightenment eminent monk, the magical skill repaired is, domination Monk cannot in comparison.
As this voice falls, in Main Hall suddenly presents old Monk, strangeness that extremely this old Monk presents, including void has not shivered, just likes the ghosts and demons is completely same, obviously it repaired for went to the situation of reaching the pinnacle.
Old Monk wears a plain yellow robe, looked like has 70 years old fully, Bai Xu of face, gaze was tranquil, could not see completely his mood had the least bit mighty waves, in this entire Qing Lian mountain temple, only then this priest and disciple, after tyrant left genially, only remaining this old Monk.
Tyrant is kotowing to old Monk, the manner is respectful.
„4-Tier Battle King, compares progressed two ranks, is good, but this also by far insufficient, your task was too heavy, once told you for the master, your road of growth, must undergo various tribulations, can grow truly, this process gives you for the master any help, you come back now, wants to continue to treat in this ruined temple the dull life?”
Old Monk sound tranquil saying, but is not coarse, he said a word somewhat is disappointed to tyrant, sometimes, often originated from the expectation disappointedly is too big, the expectation of probably old Monk to tyrant was the same, even if tyrant in the contemporaries is outstanding, even if compared with big Lei Yin Temple these Super talents, had no time to let, but regarding the expectation of old Monk, was not enough.
„Master, big Lei Yin Temple invited you to go repeatedly, you have rejected why, has waited here to have any good, took your cultivation as, even if the world were also vertically and horizontally enough, the matter of founder, I asked you each time, you did not say, but made me practice.”
Tyrant opens the mouth saying that in his bone is a stubborn person, he does not understand that the master has such taken anything, big Lei Yin Temple is the Buddhism is highest to be , a Buddhism people, which to not enter big Lei Yin Temple to feel that is the incomparable glory, but their master actually tenacious times reject the invitation of big Lei Yin Temple.
„What do you understand? Big Lei Yin Temple is far from is so simple, the humans affair that you think is dangerous, you are WTO entry are too shallow, tyrant, your natural talent is intelligent, can become the posterity of founder, you should feel that incomparable being honored, I stay here, naturally has my truth, as for issue that you want to know, when your cultivation to surpass is a master, naturally can tell you for the master.”
Old Monk said.
„Master, but you now 9-Tier Lesser Saint cultivation are, must surpass your to lord knows, moreover, is actually what secret, wants me to achieve Great Saint Realm unable to know?”
Tyrant Monk is extremely puzzled . Moreover, must become Great Saint, the what kind difficulty, that solely has not depended upon the talent line.
„Therefore you or wastes the tiny bit time to practice, regardless of how long can wait for the teachers, before you leave, has said to you for the master, cannot achieve Battle Emperor do not come back to see me, when you achieve Battle Emperor, has the thing to deliver to you for the master, if you died outside badly, that was also the life, you trivial 4-Tier Battle King cultivation now are, was coming back lets praise for the master your?”
Flavor that some old Monk vitalities, a little expected too much.
Tyrant then responded, the goal of oneself this coming back but to rescue Jiang Chen and Big Yellow Dog, was he sees the statue of founder just now, will unable to bear ask these questions, had almost forgotten the goal that oneself came back, saw own master to be angry, tyrant thought of own goal.
„Master, person this time comes back to have the reason, the master please look.”