Transactional vs, transformational leadership 29
Table 4. Loadings and item-total correlations of the items on Factor 1 (inspirational leadership, CX = .95) and scale statistics
Item number
38 I have complete confidence in him/her . . .
39 in my mind, he/she is a symbol of success and accomplishment . . .
33 engages in words and deeds which enhances his/her image of competence . . .
17 serves as a role model for me ...
32 instills pride in being associated with him/her . . .
40 displays extraordinary talent and competence in whatever he/she decides . . .
37 I am ready to trust him/her to overcome any obstacle . . .
10 listens to my concerns . . .
34 makes me aware of strongly held values, ideals, and aspiracions which are shared in common . . .
28 mobilizes a collective sense of mission . . .
36 projects a powerful, dynamic, and magnetic presence . . . 23 Shows how to look at problems from new angles . . .
18 makes me back up my opinions with good reasoning . . .
9 articulates a vision of future opportunities . . .
16 provides advice when it is needed . . .
19 introduces new projects and new challenges . . .
3 treats me as an individual rather than just a member of the group 2 talks optimistically about the future . . .
I Inspirational leadership:
18 items a = 95
Mean = 3.00
SD = .34
average inter-item correlation .50 (variance = .01)
range of item—total correlations .43 to .78
tion of inspirational leadership (.50) is higher than the average inter-item correlation of transformational leadership (.44). The lowest item-rest correlation is also higher for inspirational leadership .46, compared with .32 for transformational leadership. The inspirational scale thus has a higher internal consistency than the transformational scale.
The factor found for transactional leadership, named rational-objective leadership, is sim-ilar to Bass' scale for transactional leadership without passive management-by-exception. The correlation between the two scales is considerable (.84, see Table 7). After factor anal-ysis and application of the stipulated critetia, nine items are in the rational-objective scale. The scale statistics for rational-objective leadership are shown in Table 5. They are as expected after adapting the scale, better than those statistics for Bass' transactional leadership. The a of rational-objective leadership is .79, higher than the .60 a of trans-actional leadership. Rational-objective leadership has fewer items (9 vs. 12). The average inter-item correlation of rational leadership (.30) is not as high as the average inter-item