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Portuguese) 1:
LIBER HVHI foi escrito especificamente para cristalizar a essência do adversário de duas culturas específicas, o antiga cultura persa que formavam os cultos secretos dos Daeva-Flávio (adoração do demônio) e os aspectos opostos de a Cabala dos hebreus. O Qlippoth fornece a base para o que foi chamado na época medieval, "a Diabo"e nos modernos tempos"Satanismo". Como praticante de longa data do caminho da mão esquerda, queria simplesmente presentes os traços muito da natureza das áreas trans-cultural, para apresentar a magia do ponto de vista verdadeiramente Luciferian. Quando eu escreva 'Luciferiano' Eu quero dizer os traços de Darwinan muito de autodesenvolvimento e uma alegria encontrada em viver em si. Satanismo em nos últimos vinte anos tem sido torcido em alguma paródia inversa do cristianismo em si. O que deve ser percebido é que o caminho de Luciferian é um caminho além da psicologia teológica do caminho da mão direita. O luciferiano não pensa como o cristão, não se dobraram perante outros deuses, não precisamos matar para satisfazer nosso Deus interior, lembra-te da Inquisição, crença insuficiente e a ovelha altruísta que agarrou-se ao poder como uma criança sendo deixada na floresta, é um ponto claro para a desgraça para a humanidade que tem feito. Luciferians ou satanistas que não adorar a Satanás, alguns podem reconhecer Satanás no antigo sentido de ser uma corrente ou força dentro da natureza, balanceamento o Benigno com o desafio e a tempestade para transformar o indivíduo em algo mais forte e melhor. Sem o Christian Satan, God would simply devour his sheep without further reprise; your so-called ideal of heaven would quickly become the hell you fear. Peace brings weakness, lack of discipline and spirit-death. When I refer to peace I can suggest one looks at the welfare receipient, they do not have to struggle to work, simply exist and complain at any chance they have to the struggles of the world. They resist friction and never strive to succeed. They die a slow death in the mind and spirit. Look to the Governments who, when attacked, comply with rules which limit how they can achieve results of stopping such attacks. They do not make the enemy fear them by being more brutal than their enemies, simply put, they encourage more violence. Look to the schoolyard child who, is bullied and pushed around by others. Because the child does not learn to defend himself, he will always be a target for others who know they can get away with it. Many so-called initiates of the path of magick reject and ignore the power within their minds to simply make their life better. Instead of using magick to inspire in a spiritual sense and allow you to discover your threads of power in the material world, they would rather stop with inspire and retreat into some pathetic fantasy world. How many magical practitioners gain a significant amount of knowledge and wisdom, even ability, yet fail to use them to their fullest potential in the spiritual and physical world? LIBER HVHI is a grimoire, not only of rituals but of the foundations of the mind which will strengthen the spirit, leading to the balance needed to improve the world around you. If you are weak mentally this book will offer you the tools of self-destruction, but are we not a world of predator and prey? Be cautious, if you have mental instabilities or balance issues, this book is NOT for you. Liber HVHI is a grimoire of self-deification through the model of the Adversary, the aspects of Samael and his mate, Lilith, how this hidden power within our subconscious may be awakened and brought to a fuller potential than previously thought. Where Luciferian Witchcraft ends, Liber HVHI begins. From the Four Elements attributed to the types of the Adversary, the four chapters offer a potent formula of self-transformation into divine consciousness, using the infernal hunger within to direct your goals in this life. Spiritually, it indeed shall envigorate you in the fires of hell, that is the very gift of the Light Bringer to you, emotions are encouraged and suggestions of controlling such are offered.
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