Trick or treat! Smell my feet! Give me something good to eat!" Is what we used to say. Let's go back in history. "Why? What is this? What are you doing here?" We have -- 2000 years ago, the Celtic people -- now, these are people that lived in Ireland and Scotland and the north of France -- they had a belief -- it's getting hot in here, guys -- that on October 31st, which is actually called "All Hallows' Eve", that dead people returned to earth. Now, I know if you are from Japan, you have a holiday called "Obon". I'm not really good with the pronunciation. You believe that your ancestors come back to earth and visit you. In Mexico -- arriba! What up? -- you guys have "Day of the Dead". Again, you believe that the dead come back to the earth. This is the exact same thing, except in North America, we have made it so that we get candy -- same idea.