Thereafter, the stimuli (combinations of different levels of the attri- butes) that would be presented to the consumers in the survey were determined. In the present study and due to the high number of potential stimuli (81 = 3 × 3 × 3 × 3) it was necessary to use an orthogonal fractional factorial design. The Orthogonal Design tool from SPSS software, v. 19.0 was used to reduce the number of profiles to be judged by the respondents, with the final number of products to be presented reduced to nine. Participants were presented with written descriptions of all the different products to be evaluated, and requested to rate each product according to their preference. Rating was made using a scale from 1 (very low preference) to 7 (very high preference). It was decided to use rating instead of other approaches (ranking) due to the nature of the experiment, with participants having to deal in the same session with both