Instruct the client on
The interrelationship between a hypocaloric diet, increased physical activity, and behavior change in managing weight
The eating plan essentials, including
■ Meal and snack timing and frequency
■ The emphasis on high-satiety foods, such as whole grains, fruit and vegetables, and lean protein
■ Tips for eating out (Chapter 10), food preparation techniques, and the basics of food purchasing and label reading
Behavioral matters, including
■ Eating only in one place while sitting down
■ Putting utensils down between mouthfuls
■ Monitoring hunger on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 corresponding to “famished” and 10 corresponding to “stuffed.” Encourage clients to eat when the hunger scale is at about 3 and to stop when satisfied (not full) at about 6 or 7.
■ Weighing oneself at least once a week
■ Periodically keeping a record of food intake and activity
■ “Planning” splurges instead of eating on impulse. Planned splurges involve making a conscious decision to eat something, enjoying every mouthful of the food, and then moving on from the experience without feelings of guilt or failure.
Changing eating attitudes by
■ Replacing negative self-talk with positive talk
■ Replacing the attitude of “always being on a diet” with an acceptance of eating healthier and less as a way of life
■ Consulting a physician or dietitian if questions concerning the eating plan or weight loss arise